
Power Systems

 Head of the module: Dr Darko Šošić, assosiate professor

Rules: Students choose maximum 3 subjects from the selected module. Students can choose maximum 2 subjects from from other study programmes of the Module for Power Systems or List 1, one of which can be substituted by one subject from another module's list.

Module: Networks and Systems

1st Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects – Group A
13M021PES Electrical Power Systems Planning3 E 3+1+0 6
13M021IEM Smart Grids E 2+2+0 6
13M021ADM Electric Power Distribution Automation E 3+1+1 6
13M021EES Power System Operation1 E 2+2+0 6
13M021RES Power System Regulation2 E 2+1+1 6
2nd Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits

Core subjects – Group A

13M021RES Power System Control 2 E 2+1+1 6
13M021TSU Technical Management in Power Systems E 2+2+0 6

1) The subject Power System Operation was moved to List 1 in 2016/17.

2) The subject was moved from the second to the first semester in 2016/17.

3) The subject was not offered in 2017/18.

Module: Plants and Equipment

1st Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects – Group A
13M021DRZ Digital Power System Protection E 2+2+0 6
13M021EKO Electromagnetic Compatibility E 2+2+0 6
13M021MID Monitoring and Diagnostics of High Voltage Substations E 3+1+0 6
2nd Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects – Group A
13M021PNV Modeling of TS Power Transmission Lines E 2+2+0 6
13M021KT Power Cable Technique E 2+2+0 6

Module: Renewable Energy Sources

1st Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits

Core subjects – Group A

13M021IOI Integration of the Renewable Energy Sources in the Power System1 E 2+2+0 6
13M021SSE Energy Storage for Power Systems E 2+2+0 6
2nd Semester
Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits

Core subjects – Group A

13M021RSOI Control of Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources E 2+2+0 6
13M011PKO Converter Circuits for Renewable Energy Sources E 2+2+0 6

1) In 2018/19 the course structure was changed from 2+2+0 to 2+2+0,5.

List 1 - Subjects offered by the Department for Power Engineering

Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
13M021AE2 Power System Analysis 2 N 2+2+0 6
13M021TVN2 High Voltage Technique 2 N 2+1+1 6
13M021EM2 Electrical Measurements 2 N 2+0+2 6
13M021OPE Energy in General2 N 3+1+0 6
13M021EMN Electrical Measurements of Nonelectrical Quantities P 2+2+0 6
13M021OIE Renewable Energy Sources3 P 2+2+0 6
13M021KEE Power Quality P 2+1+1 6
13M021ELE Power Plants P 2+2+0 6
13M021TED Electrical Power Markets and Deregulation P 3+1+0 6
13M021PPR Computer-Aided Design in Power Engineering P 2+1+1 6
13M021VNO High Voltage Equipment P 2+2+0 6
13M021EES Power System Exploitation1 N 2+2+0 6

1) The subject Power System Exploitation was moved to List 1 in 2016/17.

2) The subject was not offered in 2017/18.

3) In 2018/19 the course structure was changed from 2+2+0 to 2+2+0.5.

Subject from List 1 cannot be chosen if they were already chosen during bachelor studies.

Subject Code for Master Studies Code for Bachelor Studies
Power System Analysis 2 13M021AE2 13E024AE2
High Voltage Technique 2 13M021TVN2 13E024TVN2
Electrical Measurements 2 13M021EM2 13E023EM2
Energy in General 13M021OPE 13E023OPE
Electrical Measurements of Nonelectrical Quantities 13M021EMN 13E024EMN
Renewable Energy Sources 13M021OIE 13E023OIE
Power Quality 13M021KEE 13E024KEE
Power Plants 13M021ELE 13E023ELE
Electrical Power Markets and Deregulation 13M021TED 13E024TED
Computer-Aided Design in Power Engineering 13M021PPR 13E024PPR
High Voltage Equipment 13M021VNO 13E024VNO