The Department of Power Converters and Drives
The Department of Energy Converters and Drives educates electrical engineers who during their studies acquire general knowledge in electrical engineering as well as practical knowledge and skills in the field of energy, but also in other disciplines nurtured at the ETF. A wider range of system knowledge is needed by future electrical engineers in order to be able to solve practical engineering problems and open new business opportunities. Practical knowledge and skills from other fields enable electrical engineers to correctly specify the design of various necessary assemblies during design, programming various processes or data exchange, as well as to use technological progress achieved in certain disciplines during work.
The Department of Power Converters and Drive Systems Website
Test lab for low-voltage electical and lightning protection installations
Test lab for work environment conditions
Chief of the department: professor PhD Dragan Mihić
Deputy: professor PhD Mladen Terzić
Secretary: asst. MA Marko Novković, electrical and computer engineer
full professor
associate professor
- professor PhD Dragan Mihić
- professor PhD Jovan Trifunović
- professor PhD Leposava Ristić
- professor PhD Milan Bebić
- professor PhD Mladen Terzić
assistant professor
teaching assistant
- asst. PhD Aleksandar Milić
- asst. Balša Ćeranić, electrical and computer engineer
- asst. Doroteja Zarev, electrical and computer engineer
- asst. MA Žarko Koprivica, electrical and computer engineer
- asst. MA Marko Novković, electrical and computer engineer
- asst. MA Milica Spasić, electrical and computer engineer
- asst. MA Milovan Majstorović, electrical and computer engineer
teaching associate
research trainee
- MSc Dragan Jevtić, electrical engineer - Viši laboratorijski inženjer
- Đorđe Pavlović - Viši stručnotehnički saradnik za rad u laboratorijama
- PhD Nedžad Hadžiefendić - Viši laboratorijski inženjer