Bachelor studies

Bachelor studies
Duration of studies
Since 2003, a new curriculum has been introduced at the School of Electrical Engineering, according to which bachelor studies last for four years, i.e. eight semesters. This means that the school opted for the 4+1 scheme, according to which after four years of study the title of graduate engineer of electrical engineering and computing is obtained, and after another additional year the title of graduate engineer - master of electrical engineering and computing in accordance with the new Law on Higher Education and the principles of the Bologna Declaration. All student activities are scored according to the ECTS credit system, so that each semester brings 30 ECTS credits. In the last, eighth semester, the student is required to do a professional internship that carries 2 ECTS credits and a final thesis, which carries 10 ECTS credits. Two semesters make up one school year. Each semester lasts 15 weeks, which includes classes and dates for the colloquium. The school year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 next year.
Teaching and exams
Classes are taught by subjects, which according to the new curriculum must be one-semester. There are also practicums, which are smaller subjects and are mostly focused on the practical work of students or deepening knowledge of basic subjects. Social subjects and foreign languages correspond to practicums in scope. In all subjects, students' pre-examination activities, such as colloquia and homework, are performed during the semester in which the subject is taught. In the structure of the total number of points, at least 30 and at most 70 points must be provided for activities and knowledge tests during the semester. A total of 100 points are earned by fulfilling pre-exam obligations and taking exams. Final exams are taken in the appropriate exam deadlines, which are: January, February, June, July, August and September. The conditions for enrollment in the next year of study are prescribed by the new Law on Higher Education and are expressed in the number of ECTS points achieved.
Study paths
In order to successfully complete his undergraduate studies, a student must choose a study path. This trajectory is the same no matter what status the student is studying. Each branch of the path represents one module. The path is always selected at the end of the semester preceded by branching. During each selection, the student makes a ranking list of his wishes for all possible branches in a given node. The students are admitted to a module on the basis of their preferences and their academic success coefficient.
The academic success coefficient is calculated when exam grades are multiplied by the coefficient which reflects the exam term in which the student passed the exam (the coefficient is different from zero for the first two available terms only in the year when the student takes the course). The sum of these figures is divided by the total number of exams in the given year (regardless of the number of passed exams). The academic success coefficient drops if the student repeats the first year.
Students can choose the following study paths:
- When enrolling, students select the study program:
- At the end of the second semester students who study Electrical Engineering and Computing choose one of the following study modules:
- Electronics and digital systems
- Power engineering
- Computer technology and informatics
- Signals and systems
- Telecommunications and information technology
- Physical electronics
- At the end of the IV semester:
- students coming from the module Telecommunications and Information Technology decide between the following fields:
- Information and communication technologies,
- Audio and video technologies,
- Microwave technology
- students coming from the Physical Electronics module choose one of the following fields:
- Nanoelectronics and photonics
- Biomedical and environmental engineering
- students coming from the module Telecommunications and Information Technology decide between the following fields:
Professional internship
Professional internship is a form of teaching in which students acquire broader practical knowledge, skills and abilities. The internship is usually done in the eighth semester and is a mandatory part of the study program. The student independently chooses an organization from the state, private or public sector in which he will do a professional internship in the Republic of Serbia or abroad.
The completed Instructions for Professional Internship, before leaving for the professional internship, the student certifies in the Student Department and carries to the selected organization where he will perform the professional internship.
After the completed internship, lasting at least 90 hours, and based on the student's report and the certificate of the responsible person who confirms with the signature and seal of the Organization that the internship is completed, the Head of Internship verifies the completed internship in the Student Department and enrolls 2 ECTS credits.
Professional practice is not evaluated numerically, but with a descriptive grade "recognized" and entered in the diploma supplement.
(more details in the Rulebook on Bachelor Academic Studies, Art. 15)
Final thesis
The final thesis is an independent work of a student on a certain topic, whose preparation and defense are done at the end of the study program, when the student passes all exams and fulfills all obligations provided by the study program.
The final paper must be in the field of electives - the module that the student enrolled.
The list of topics for the final work and the teachers who are responsible for them is determined by the department in charge of the constituency.
A student can take the final thesis only with a teacher who is engaged in one of the subjects of the elective area - the module of the study program in which the student is enrolled, or with a teacher with whom he took a subject from another elective area of bachelor studies.
The application for the defense of the final thesis is made on the prescribed form, which the student, with the consent of the mentor, teaches to the Student Department. The student department checks and confirms the fulfillment of the conditions for the defense of the final thesis by certifying the submitted application. The student submits the certified application to the mentor and approaches the defense. The defense of the final thesis is public and is performed in the School premises before a commission consisting of at least two members, one of whom is the head of the final thesis, and the other teacher, doctoral assistant, teacher or teaching associate is engaged in the elective area where the student is enrolled. Success in the public defense of the final paper is expressed by a grade from 5 (five) to 10 (ten). Upon completion of the defense, the head of the final thesis submits the signed application to the Student Department, where it is recorded that the final thesis was defended and 10 ECTS points are entered.
(more details in the Rulebook on Bachelor Academic Studies, Articles 26-29)
Academic title
Upon completion of the study programme students earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing. With this degree can move on to a Master's study programme.