
MS1OPP - Selected Topics in Electrical Drives

Course specification
Course title Selected Topics in Electrical Drives
Acronym MS1OPP
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Module Power Converters
Type of study master academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status elective
    Condition Knowledge gained on courses that form the core of Power engineering department, Power converter and drives and Power systems on School of Electrical Engineering Electric drives
    The goal Students are introduced with characteristic industrial applications of drives, methods of analysis, integration of necessary equipment, selection of structure and parameters of the control subsystem, commissioning and supervision.
    The outcome Knowledge and understanding about the principles and peculiarities of electric drives. Ability to perform conceptual and detailed design and selection of power supply and control. Familiarity with typical solutions and equipment.
    Contents of lectures Introduction. Electrical drive as a system, methods of analyses. Energy efficiency. Application of drives with DC and induction motors. Typical configurations, sensorless operation. Adaptation of construction depending on specific application. Doubly fed induction motor. Large power drives, features, realizations, application areas.
    Contents of exercises Typical configuration of DC motor drives, specially adapted construction for application. Realization (analog and digital). Voltage/frequency control, vector control (decoupling of torque and flux control, flux acquisition, indirect methods) direct torque control, control methods, regulation structures. Shaft sensorless and process sensorless operation.
    1. Vladan Vučković, "Electrical Drives, Akademska Misao, 2002
    2. Selected Topics in Electrical Drives - Course notes in electronic format available on
    3. B.Jeftenić, "Electrical Drives-worked examples", Akademska Misao, 2003
    4. B.Jeftenić, V.Vasić, Đ.Oros, "Controlled Electrical Drives- solved problems with elements of theory, Akademska Misao 2004
    5. Bimal K. Bose, "Power Electronics and Motor Drives - Advances and Trends", Academic Press – Elsevier, 2006. (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    3 1
    Methods of teaching Lectures, laboratory exercises, presentations, demonstrations, consultations, project, seminar paper
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 10 Test paper 40
    Practical lessons 20 Oral examination 0
    Projects 20
    Colloquia 0
    Seminars 10