
Our students at the student startup camp "ParkUP!"

The Science and Technology Park Belgrade organized the student startup camp "ParkUP!" again this summer. This year's camp brought together 90 students from faculties all over Serbia, including 14 students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.

The students were divided into 15 multidisciplinary teams, which had the task of developing one of the innovative startup ideas. During the five-day camp, they learned a lot about innovation, business model development, market analysis, and other topics essential for developing entrepreneurial ideas. At the end, the teams presented their ideas, which they developed during the camp. From innovative products in the field of digital agriculture, mobile applications for people with certain diseases or disabilities, virtual reality (VR) glasses for detecting eye diseases, to applications for connecting junior basketball players or learning golf and software solutions for detecting unwanted e-mail messages, students have shown great creativity and innovation. We congratulate all student participants on their excellent ideas and enthusiasm during this NTP Belgrade summer school.

The University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, recognizing the students' creativity and innovation, has taken steps to support the development of entrepreneurial skills. In the most recent accreditation, the curriculum was updated to include the subject "Software Project Management and Technological Entrepreneurship" in undergraduate (bachelor) academic studies. Additionally, the Innovation Incubator, launched in February 2024, is designed to support and guide teams and individuals from our faculty in the development of innovative ideas.


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