
13M114RG - Interactive Computer Graphics

Course specification
Course title Interactive Computer Graphics
Acronym 13M114RG
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study master academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
  • professor PhD Igor Tartalja
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
ESPB 6.0 Status elective
Condition If the student elected and completed course Computer Graphisc from a bachelor study program curriculum ((13E114RG, 13S113RG) it is not allowed to choose this course. It is expected that the student is familiar with the material of the course Object-oriented programming 2 (Java programming language).
The goal Understanding principles of 2D and 3D interactive computer graphics and animation, as well as mastering practical arts of grpahics applications programming.
The outcome On successful completion of the course, students will be able to: - implement 2D and 3D interactive graphics applications based on JavaFX class library; - interpret and apply the most important algorithms in computer graphics; - describe the working principles of devices used in computer graphics.
URL to the subject page
URL to lectures
Contents of lectures Introduction. 2D primitives and attributes. Curve drawing. Animation. Interaction. Tranforms. Projections. 3D shapes. Cameras. Illumination and shading. Polygonal meshes. Textures. 3D object selection. Interaction with 3D scene. Basic raster algorithms. Geometry relationships. Filling. Clipping. Hidden surfaces. Color models. Input and Output devices technology.
Contents of exercises Auditory practices, laboratory demonstrations, and laboratory control exercises. The purpose of laboratory exercises is acquiring practical skills of programming graphics applications: 2D and 3D applications using the JavaFX class library. The auditory practices and laboratory exercises follow the lectures and elaborate specific topics.
  1. Hughes, J.F., van Dam, A., McGuire, M., Sklar, D.F., Foley, J.D., Feiner, S.K., Akeley, K., "Computer Graphics – Principles and Practice", 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2014. (Original title)
  2. Sharan, K., "Learn JavaFX 8: Building User Experience and Interfaces with Java 8", Apress, 2015 (Original title)
  3. Watt, A., "3D Computer Graphics", 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000. (Original title)
  4. Tartalja, I., "Slides for Lectures on the subject Computer Graphics", Belgrade, 2019.
  5. Đurđević, Đ., Tartalja, I., "Slides for auditory practices on the subject Computer Graphics, Belgrade, 2019.
Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
2 2 1
Methods of teaching Lectures and auditory practices are supplied with electronic presentations. The lectures introduce theoretical concepts, while the purpose of auditory practices and laboratory exercises is to practice applying the algorithms and using widely available library for graphics applications development. The students individually develop 2 projects/home works (one for 2D and one for 3D graphics).
Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 30
Practical lessons 20 Oral examination 0
Projects 30
Colloquia 20