
13E063FTM - Physical-Technical Measurements

Course specification
Course title Physical-Technical Measurements
Acronym 13E063FTM
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study bachelor academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status mandatory
    Condition none
    The goal Students are introduced to the sensors for measurement of non-electrical quantities (force, displacement, acceleration, level, pressure, volume, temperature,…). The constructions of various transducers are described with their physical principles of sensing. Selection of sensor for specific application is explained. Calibration procedures for different measurement systems are presented.
    The outcome Students are enabling to explain working principle of various measurement instruments, indicate to their limitations, and to choose sensor for specific application. They are capable to calibrate sensor and to select appropriate interface for connecting sensor with PC.
    URL to the subject page
    URL to lectures
    Contents of lectures Introduction to metrology. Measurement uncertainty. Measurement systems modeling. Static and dinamic characteristics. Physical Principles of Sensing. Interface Electronic Circuits. Force sensors. Belt weighing systems. Measurement of dispacement, angular velocity. Accelerometers. Pressure and vacuum sensors. Flow meters. Temperature measurements. Chemical sensors. Humidity sensors. Robots Sensors.
    Contents of exercises Laboratory exercises - Expression of uncertainty in measurements. Capacitive sensor for level measurements. Ultrasonic defectoscope. Encoders. Accelerometer. Thermocouples. PTC and NTC thermistors. Automatic temperature control. Strain gauges. PC based measurement system with automatic measurement procedure. Sensors for Arduino platform.
    1. T. Šekara, M. Barjaktarović, "Sensor for physical techical measurements", Akademska misao, 2017.
    2. D. Stanković, "Physical techical measurements", University in Belgrade, 1997.
    3. J. Fraden, "Handbook of Modern Sensors - Physics, Designs, and Applications", Springer, 2016. (Original title)
    4. J. P. Bentley, "Principles of Measurement Systems", Pearson Education Limited, 2005. (Original title)
    5. B. G. Lipták, K. Venczel, "Instrument and Automation Engineers' Handbook: Measurement and Safety: Volume I", CRC Press, 2017. (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    3 0 2
    Methods of teaching lectures, exercises, PC exercises, independent work
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures Test paper 24
    Practical lessons 24 Oral examination 28
    Colloquia 24