
Arhiva najava


Silicon Valley Startup School

The talk is about what it takes for a new graduate to make it at a fast-moving venture startup. The first year or two out of school is actually a continuation of a student''s education, not the end of it. In startups, graduates will learn how to take t...

Studenti i praksa

Centar za razvoj karijere i savetovanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu i Centar za monitoring i evaluaciju Pozivaju vas na predavanje Studenti i praksa Predavanje će se održati 2. februara u 13 časova, u amfiteatru VII Pravnog fakulteteta Univ...

Teorija Rešavanja Inventivnih Zadataka - TRIZ

Na predavanje se pozivaju inzenjeri svih struka, menadzeri, konsultanti kao i svi ostali zainteresovani kojim ova teorija moze pomoci u resavanju tehnickih, ekonomskih i drugih problema u oblastima sa kojima se bave. S postovanjem,Dr J. Cvetić APSTRA...

Spin Current from Quantum Dots Embedded in a Microcavity

Spin Current from Quantum Dots Embedded in a Microcavity Chris P. Search Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Experiments on self-assembled quantum dots have recently resulted in ele...

Istrazivanja Atmosferskih Nanočestica: Pogled Odozdo

Title: Atmospheric Nanoparticle Research: View from Down Under Istrazivanja Atmosferskih Nanocestice: Pogled Odozdo Presenter: Dr Zoran Ristovski, International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH), Queensland University of Technology (QUT...

Praktični aspekti primene Teslinog transformatora

Zbog velikog interesovanja za prethodno predavanje (oko 150 posetilaca, mnogi nisu mogli da uđu u salu, a gledalo se i iz hodnika) IEEE Education Society Chapter SCG, u saradnji sa IEEE Student Branch Beograd, organizuje NOVO PREDAVANJE na temu Teslino...

Kako smo napravili Teslin transformator i zašto

IEEE Education Society Chapter SCG, u saradnji sa IEEE Student Branch Beograd, organizuje 12.12.2006. u 18h u sali 70 Elektrotehničkog fakulteta, predavanje prof. dr Jovana Cvetića "Kako smo napravili Teslin transformator i zašto" Na Elektrotehničko...

Information Theory for Interference Channels

Interference affects many types of communication channels including digital subscriber lines and wireless links. A basic model for studying coding for such scenarios is known as the interference channel (IC). Several of the fundamental results known a...

Network Coding Rates and Edge-Cut Bounds

Network coding has recently become a rapidly evolving area in Information Theory. We will begin by examining the basic concept behind network coding and contrast it to the conventional routing approach in existing networks. We highlight the capacity ga...

Antenna Development for Diverse Applications

Four general areas of antenna development will be discussed. These areas are: small antennas, diversity and SDMA antennas, slot antennas and antenna efficiency measurements. The areas will be given a broad overview and are based on the research of the ...

Visual Studio 2005: RAD na višeslojnim aplikacijama

Demonstraciono predavanje (4 časa) Simbolična cena: 1000,00 dinara. Na predavanju će biti pokazano kako možete Rapid Application Development izgraditi višeslojnu aplikaciju čiju osnovu će dobrim delom izgenerisati čarobnjaci i graditelji iz VS-a 2005. ...

Karbonske nanotube - sinteza i primena

Karbonske nanotube su svojim fascinantnim fizičkim i hemiskim osobinama privukle i nastavljaju da spajaju istraživače na univerzitetima i u industriji iz do sada razdvojenih disciplina hemije, fizike, elektrotehnike, mašinstva i biologije u jedinstvenu...

Budućnosti bežičnih komunikacija

Future Wireless – Trends and Challenges In this talk the trends of several wireless communications aspects, including wireless technology, services, device technology, research and markets are discussed. Furthermore, an approach in distributed turbo c...

Biznis inkubatori

Biznis inkubator pruža kancelarijski prostor, infrastrukturu, poslovne i administrativne usluge i podršku preduzećima koja se osnivaju pri univerzitetu. Uspostavljanje biznis inkubator ima za cilj: Podršku studentima za započinjanje i razvoj sopstv...

Logika preferenci i modeli odlučivanja

PREFERENCE LOGIC AND DECISION ModelS (LOGIKA PREFERENCI I MODELI ODLUČIVANJA) Jozo J. Dujmović, Department of Computer Science San Francisco State University Abstract. The goal of logic should be to model observable properties of human reasoning. In ...

Mozilla Firefox and open source development

Vladimir Vukićević, Mike Shaver and Stuart Parmenter from the Mozilla Corporation will be speaking and taking questions about Mozilla Firefox and open source development. Vladimir and Stuart are the lead graphics developers for Mozilla Corporati...

Cisco Unified Communications System

IEEE Belgrade Student Branch i kompanija Cisco Systems pozivaju Vas da prisustvujete predavanju sa demonstracijom rada Cisco Unified Communications System Predavanje i praktična demonstracija će se održati 23.05.2006. u prostorijama Računskog ce...

The Space of Human Shapes

Abstract: The human form has been the dominant subject of painters and sculptors for millennia. It is the shape we are most attuned to, the one most important to recognize and to build our environments around. Modeling this shape and the way it mov...

Project Teams - Receipt for Success

Abstract This is our second topic in a series of lectures on Project Management, which we started last year. We are going to analyze all the relevant information associated to why and how teams make all the difference in organizational and project per...


Kratka biografija: Božidar Radunović diplomirao je na ETF-u u Beogradu 1999. godine, na odseku za RTI. Doktorirao je na EPFL-u (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) u Švajcarskoj 2005 u oblasti telekomunikacija, na temu "A Cross-Layer Design of W...