
prof. dr Jovan Cvetić

Redovni profesor
Katedra za mikroelektroniku i tehničku fiziku

Paviljon Rašović, kancelarija P-2

Stručni naziv doktor tehničkih nauka
Naučna oblast Fizička elekronika
Datum izbora 8. jul 2010.


Predmeti iz nastavnog plana i programa 2013


Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Drift-diffusion model of corona discharge in coaxial geometry due to negative lightning impulse voltage

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, Drift-diffusion model of corona discharge in coaxial geometry due to negative lightning impulse voltage, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, No. 129, pp. 1 - 12, Jul, 2021

Autori Milan Ignjatović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2021
Časopis International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Impakt faktor 5.659 (M21)
Broj 129
Strana od 1
Strana do 12

Influence of current reflections from the ground on corona sheath dynamics during the return stroke

M. Tausanovic, M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, M. Alimpijević, D. Pavlović, Influence of current reflections from the ground on corona sheath dynamics during the return stroke, ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH, Vol. 143, pp. 84 - 98, Feb, 2017

Autori Milica Tausanovic, Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Mališa Alimpijević i Dragan Pavlović
Godina 2017
DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2016.10.035
Impakt faktor 2.856 (M21)
Volumen 143
Strana od 84
Strana do 98

The Maxwellian nature of free-electrons' gas spectrum of noble gases at low pressure

M. Alimpijević, K. Stanković, M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, The Maxwellian nature of free-electrons' gas spectrum of noble gases at low pressure, VACUUM, Vol. 110, pp. 19 - 23, 2014

Autori Mališa Alimpijević, Koviljka Stanković, Milan Ignjatović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2014
Časopis VACUUM
Impakt faktor 1.858 (M22)
Volumen 110
Strana od 19
Strana do 23

Synergetic effect in a mixture of noble gases around the Paschen minimum

D. Despotović, J. Cvetić, K. Stanković, P. Osmokrovic, Synergetic effect in a mixture of noble gases around the Paschen minimum, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 013507-1 - 013507-6, 2014

Autori Dejan Despotović, Jovan Cvetić, Koviljka Stanković i Predrag Osmokrovic
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1063/1.4862782
Impakt faktor 2.376 (M21)
Volumen 21
Broj 1
Strana od 013507-1
Strana do 013507-6

Vertical electric field inside the lightning channel and thechannel-core conductivity during discharge – Comparison of differentreturn stroke models

D. Pavlović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, R. Đurić, Vertical electric field inside the lightning channel and thechannel-core conductivity during discharge – Comparison of differentreturn stroke models, ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH, Vol. 113, pp. 30 - 40, Apr, 2014

Autori Dragan Pavlović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler i Radivoje Đurić
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2014.02.026
Impakt faktor 1.749 (M21)
Volumen 113
Strana od 30
Strana do 40

The influence of the breakdown electric field in the configuration of lightning corona sheath on charge distribution in the channel

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, S. Marković, R. Đurić, The influence of the breakdown electric field in the configuration of lightning corona sheath on charge distribution in the channel, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, Vol. 149, pp. 333 - 345, Jan, 2014

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Slavoljub Marković i Radivoje Đurić
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.01.004.
Impakt faktor 2.844 (M21)
Volumen 149
Strana od 333
Strana do 345

Dynamics of a lightning corona sheath—A constant field approach using the generalized traveling current source return stroke model

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, S. Marković, R. Radosavljević, P. Osmokrović, Dynamics of a lightning corona sheath—A constant field approach using the generalized traveling current source return stroke model, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, Vol. 117, pp. 122 - 131, Nov, 2012

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Slavoljub Marković, Radovan Radosavljević i Predrag Osmokrović
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.03.012
Impakt faktor 2.2 (M22)
Volumen 117
Strana od 122
Strana do 131

Extension of Lightning Corona Sheath Model during Return Stroke

J. Cvetić, P. Osmokrović, F. Heidler, Z. Trifković, Extension of Lightning Corona Sheath Model during Return Stroke, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 1383 - 1392, 2011

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Predrag Osmokrović, Fridolin Heidler i Zoran Trifković
Godina 2011
Impakt faktor 1.47 (M22)
Volumen 18
Broj 5
Strana od 1383
Strana do 1392

Dynamics of a Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Using a Generalized Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model – Theory and Calculations

M. Tausanovic, S. Marković, S. Marjanovic, J. Cvetić, M. Cvejic, Dynamics of a Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Using a Generalized Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model – Theory and Calculations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 646 - 656, Jun, 2010

Autori Milica Tausanovic, Slavoljub Marković, Srdjan Marjanovic, Jovan Cvetić i Marko Cvejic
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1109/TEMC.2010.2044886
Impakt faktor 1.294 (M23)
Volumen 52
Broj 3
Strana od 646
Strana do 656

Dynamics of Lightning Discharge During Return Stroke

J. Cvetić, P. Osmokrović, Dynamics of Lightning Discharge During Return Stroke, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 4 - 14, Jan, 2009

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Predrag Osmokrović
Godina 2009
DOI 10.1109/TPS.2008.2006479
Impakt faktor 1.447
Volumen 37
Broj 1
Strana od 4
Strana do 14

Generation of degenerate modes in suddenly created cold weakly nonlinear magnetized plasma

Z. Trifković, J. Cvetić, P. Osmokrović, Generation of degenerate modes in suddenly created cold weakly nonlinear magnetized plasma, PLASMA DEVICES AND OPERATIONS, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 301 - 308, Oct, 2009

Autori Zoran Trifković, Jovan Cvetić i Predrag Osmokrović
Godina 2009
Impakt faktor 0.786
Volumen 17
Broj 4
Strana od 301
Strana do 308

Conductivity of a Lightning-Channel Corona Sheath During Return Stroke

S. Marjanović, J. Cvetić, Conductivity of a Lightning-Channel Corona Sheath During Return Stroke, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 750 - 758, Apr, 2009

Autori Srdjan Marjanović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2009
DOI 10.1109/TPS.2009.2016202
Impakt faktor 1.447
Volumen 37
Broj 6
Strana od 750
Strana do 758

Stochastic Nature of Electrical Breakdown in Vacuum

P. Osmokrović, M. Vujisić, J. Cvetić, M. Pešić, Stochastic Nature of Electrical Breakdown in Vacuum, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 803 - 813, Aug, 2007

Autori Predrag Osmokrović, Miloš Vujisić, Jovan Cvetić i Milan Pešić
Godina 2007
DOI 10.1109/TDEI.2007.4286510
Impakt faktor 1.124
Volumen 14
Broj 4
Strana od 803
Strana do 813

A class of analytical functions to study the lightning effects associated with the current front

F. Heidler, J. Cvetić, A class of analytical functions to study the lightning effects associated with the current front, EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 141 - 150, Mar, 2002

Autori Fridolin Heidler i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2002
DOI DOI: 10.1002/etep.4450120209
Impakt faktor 0.28
Volumen 12
Broj 2
Strana od 141
Strana do 150

Calculation of lightning current parameters

F. Heidler, J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Calculation of lightning current parameters, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 399 - 404, Apr, 1999

Autori Fridolin Heidler, Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1999
DOI 10.1109/61.754080
Impakt faktor 0.363
Volumen 14
Broj 2
Strana od 399
Strana do 404

Light intensity emitted from the lightning channel: comparison of different return stroke models

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, A. Schwab, Light intensity emitted from the lightning channel: comparison of different return stroke models, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 273 - 282, Feb, 1999

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler i Adolf Schwab
Godina 1999
DOI 10.1088/0022-3727/32/3/015
Impakt faktor 1.188
Volumen 32
Broj 3
Strana od 273
Strana do 282

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Tesla’s High Voltage and High Frequency Generators with Oscillatory Circuits

J. Cvetić, Tesla’s High Voltage and High Frequency Generators with Oscillatory Circuits, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 301 - 333, Oct, 2016

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2016
DOI 10.2298/SJEE1603301C
Časopis Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Volumen 13
Broj 3
Strana od 301
Strana do 333

Methods for Limiting the Calculation Area During Problem Solving by the Finite Difference Method

S. Marković, J. Cvetić, T. Koledin, Methods for Limiting the Calculation Area During Problem Solving by the Finite Difference Method, Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar. Series A, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, pp. 57 - 69, 2014

Autori Slavoljub Marković, Jovan Cvetić i Tamara Koledin
Godina 2014
Časopis Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar. Series A, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Strana od 57
Strana do 69

Ograničavanje oblasti proračuna u metodu konačnih razlika korišćenjem teoreme ekvivalencije

S. Marković, J. Cvetić, Ograničavanje oblasti proračuna u metodu konačnih razlika korišćenjem teoreme ekvivalencije, TEHNIKA, No. 5, pp. 889 - 896, 2013

Autori Slavoljub Marković i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2013
Broj 5
Strana od 889
Strana do 896

Pulse reflection from a lossy Lorentz medium half-space (TM polarization)

B. Stanić, D. Milanović, J. Cvetić, Pulse reflection from a lossy Lorentz medium half-space (TM polarization), JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1245 - 1249, Mar, 1991

Autori Božidar Stanić, Djurdje Milanović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1991
Volumen 24
Broj 8
Strana od 1245
Strana do 1249

Radovi sa međunarodnih konferencija

An improved Laplace transform method for the calculation of the lightning channel return stroke parameters

D. Pavlović, T. Šekara, J. Cvetić, An improved Laplace transform method for the calculation of the lightning channel return stroke parameters, Young Researches Conference 2020, YOURS 2020, 28th September 2020, Belgrade, Belgrade, Sep, 2020

Autori Dragan Pavlović, Tomislav Šekara i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2020
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-84231-50-7

Electromagnetic radiation of lightning discharge channel and current response of a single overhead line

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, D. Milanović, Electromagnetic radiation of lightning discharge channel and current response of a single overhead line, 17th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionised Gases (SPIG), pp. 342 - 345, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 2018

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Božidar Stanić i Djurdje Milanović
Godina 2018
Strana od 342
Strana do 345

Numerical Simulation of DC Corona Discharge

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, D. Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, Numerical Simulation of DC Corona Discharge, 13th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – PES 2017, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia, Niš, Srbija, Sep, 2017

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Dragan Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2017
Izdavač University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6125-184-9

Modeling of the Influence of Corona on the Transmission Lines during Lightning Discharge

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, N. Mijajlović, D. Pavlović, Modeling of the Influence of Corona on the Transmission Lines during Lightning Discharge, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2017, Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku, Kladovo, Srbija, Jun, 2017

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Nikola Mijajlović i Dragan Pavlović
Godina 2017
Izdavač Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-692-0

Calculation of the channel discharge function for the generalized lightning traveling current source return stroke model

J. Cvetić, G. Milovanović, D. Pavlović, Calculation of the channel discharge function for the generalized lightning traveling current source return stroke model, ACTA 2017: APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION – THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Dec, 2017

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Gradimir Milovanović i Dragan Pavlović
Godina 2017
Izdavač Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade

Space charge distribution inside the corona sheath during a return stroke

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, N. Mijajlović, D. Pavlović, F. Heidler, Space charge distribution inside the corona sheath during a return stroke, 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) 2016, IEEE, Estoril, Portugal, Sep, 2016

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Nikola Mijajlović, Dragan Pavlović i Fridolin Heidler
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-5843-3

Electric Field Close to Lightning Channel in the Presence of Current Reflections from the Ground

M. Ignjatović, N. Mijajlović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, M. Tausanovic, D. Pavlović, Electric Field Close to Lightning Channel in the Presence of Current Reflections from the Ground, 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2016, IEEE, Estoril, Portugal, Sep, 2016

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Nikola Mijajlović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Milica Tausanovic i Dragan Pavlović
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-150905843-3

Lightning corona sheath evolution in the presence of the current ground reflections during the return stroke

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, M. Tausanović, D. Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Lightning corona sheath evolution in the presence of the current ground reflections during the return stroke, 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2015, ETRAN Society, Silver Lake, Serbia, Jun, 2015

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Milica Tausanović, Dragan Pavlović, Nikola Mijajlović, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić i Dragana Šumarac Pavlović
Godina 2015
Izdavač ETRAN Society
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6

Transition line charge distribution along the lightning channel core during return stroke

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, D. Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, Transition line charge distribution along the lightning channel core during return stroke, 12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - PES 2015, Elektronski fakultet u Nisu, Niš, Srbija, Sep, 2015

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Dragan Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2015
Izdavač Elektronski fakultet u Nisu
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6125-145-0

Tesla's Magnifying transmitter-Principles of working

J. Cvetić, Tesla's Magnifying transmitter-Principles of working, Apr, 2015

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2015

Toranj u Vardenklifu - Teslin uvećavajući predajnik - principi rada

J. Cvetić, Toranj u Vardenklifu - Teslin uvećavajući predajnik - principi rada, International Congress Nikola Tesla - The History of the future, Beograd, Sava Centar, Apr, 2015

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2015

Evolution of the corona envelope in the presence of transition charge along lightning channel core

M. Taušanović, J. Cvetić, M. Ignjatović, D. Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, Evolution of the corona envelope in the presence of transition charge along lightning channel core, 12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - PES 2015, Elektronski fakultet u Nisu, Niš, srbija, Sep, 2015

Autori Milica Taušanović, Jovan Cvetić, Milan Ignjatović, Dragan Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2015
Izdavač Elektronski fakultet u Nisu
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6125-145-0

Lightning corona sheath dynamics based on a generalized space charge distribution

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, M. Ignjatović, D. Pavlović, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Z. Trifković, N. Mijajlović, Lightning corona sheath dynamics based on a generalized space charge distribution, 2014 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), pp. 29 - 31, IEEE, Shanghai, China, Oct, 2014

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Milan Ignjatović, Dragan Pavlović, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović, Zoran Trifković i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2014
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-3544-4
DOI 10.1109/ICLP.2014.6973149
Strana od 29
Strana do 31

Generalized traveling current source return stroke model with current reflections and attenuation along the channel

M. Ignjatović, F. Heidler, J. Cvetić, D. Pavlović, R. Đurić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, M. Ponjavić, Z. Trifković, N. Mijajlović, Generalized traveling current source return stroke model with current reflections and attenuation along the channel, 2014 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), pp. 32 - 36, IEEE, Shanghai, China, Oct, 2014

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Fridolin Heidler, Jovan Cvetić, Dragan Pavlović, Radivoje Đurić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović, Milan Ponjavić, Zoran Trifković i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2014
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4799-3544-4
DOI 10.1109/ICLP.2014.6973150
Strana od 32
Strana do 36

Calculation of Ligtning Channel Line Charge Density Using Very Close Electric Field Measurements

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, M. Taušanović, D. Pavlović, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, Calculation of Ligtning Channel Line Charge Density Using Very Close Electric Field Measurements, 27 th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, SPIG 2014, pp. 379 - 382, Beograd, Srbija, Aug, 2014

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Milica Taušanović, Dragan Pavlović, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2014
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7762-600-6
Strana od 379
Strana do 382

The Influence of the Lightning Current Reflections From The Ground on Electric Field Near Channel Core, 27 th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases

M. Taušanović, J. Cvetić, M. Ignjatović, D. Pavlović, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, The Influence of the Lightning Current Reflections From The Ground on Electric Field Near Channel Core, 27 th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 27 th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, SPIG 2014, pp. 383 - 386, Beograd, Srbija, Aug, 2014

Autori Milica Taušanović, Jovan Cvetić, Milan Ignjatović, Dragan Pavlović, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2014
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7762-600-6
Strana od 383
Strana do 386

Applicability of the Gauss’ law on Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Modeling

S. Marković, J. Cvetić, D. Pavlović, M. Ignjatović, Applicability of the Gauss’ law on Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Modeling, TELFOR, pp. 681 - 684, Beograd, Nov, 2013

Autori Slavoljub Marković, Jovan Cvetić, Dragan Pavlović i Milan Ignjatović
Godina 2013
Strana od 681
Strana do 684

Generalized TCS Model With the Current Reflection at Ground and at the Upper End of the Lightning channel

D. Pavlović, J. Cvetić, S. Marković, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, Generalized TCS Model With the Current Reflection at Ground and at the Upper End of the Lightning channel, ETRAN, 3-6 juna, Zlatibor, Zlatibor, Jun, 2013

Autori Dragan Pavlović, Jovan Cvetić, Slavoljub Marković, Radivoje Đurić i Milan Ponjavić
Godina 2013

Modified Model Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, D. Pavlović, S. Marković, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Z. Trifković, B. Trajkovski, Modified Model Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model, ETRAN, Zlatibor, 3-6 juna 2013, Jun, 2013

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Dragan Pavlović, Slavoljub Marković, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović, Zoran Trifković i Bojan Trajkovski
Godina 2013
Izdavač ETRAN

Dynamics of the Lightning Channel Using Generalised Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model

M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, S. Marković, D. Pavlović, R. Đurić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Z. Trifković, Dynamics of the Lightning Channel Using Generalised Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model, PES, Niš, 1.4 juna 2013, Jun, 2013

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Slavoljub Marković, Dragan Pavlović, Radivoje Đurić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović i Zoran Trifković
Godina 2013
Izdavač PES

The Influence of the Breakdown Electric Field in the Lightning Corona Sheath on the Dynamics of the Return Stroke

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, A. Radosavljevic, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Z. Trifkovic, The Influence of the Breakdown Electric Field in the Lightning Corona Sheath on the Dynamics of the Return Stroke, International Conference on Lightning Protection 2012, IEEE, Vienna, Sep, 2012

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Ana Radosavljevic, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović i Zoran Trifkovic
Godina 2012
Izdavač IEEE

Dynamics of a lightning corona sheath – A Constant Field Approach using the GTCS model

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, B. Jeftenić, S. Marjanovic, Dynamics of a lightning corona sheath – A Constant Field Approach using the GTCS model, International Conference on Lightning Protection 2010, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica (DIEE), Università di Cagliari, Cagiari - Italy, Sep, 2010

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Borislav Jeftenić i Srdjan Marjanovic
Godina 2010
Izdavač Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica (DIEE), Università di Cagliari

The Generalized TCS Model with the Current Reflections at Ground and at the Upper End of the Lightning Channel

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, A. Nešić, I. Tešnjak, The Generalized TCS Model with the Current Reflections at Ground and at the Upper End of the Lightning Channel, 4th International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, European COST Action P18, Vienna, Austria, May, 2009

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler, Aleksandar Nešić i Irena Tešnjak
Godina 2009

An Improved Model for Prediction of the Dynamics of Lightning Channel Corona Sheath

G. Maslowski, V. Rakov, J. Cvetić, M. Miki, An Improved Model for Prediction of the Dynamics of Lightning Channel Corona Sheath, 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Jan, 2009

Autori Grzegorz Maslowski, Vladimir Rakov, Jovan Cvetić i Megumu Miki
Godina 2009
ISSN/ISBN 978-3-9523286-4-4
DOI 10.1109/EMCZUR.2009.4783405

Development of Tesla coil apparatus

J. Cvetić, Development of Tesla coil apparatus, Elektrotehnički fakultet Sofija, Bugarska, Oct, 2008

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2008
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet Sofija, Bugarska

Dynamics of the Lightning Discharge Using Generalized Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, M. Kostić, A. Nešić, Dynamics of the Lightning Discharge Using Generalized Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model, 3rd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, European COST Action P18, Vienna, Austria, Apr, 2008

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Miomir Kostić i Aleksandar Nešić
Godina 2008

Response of the grounding loop backfilled with bentonite to the lightning impulse current

N. Radovanović, M. Savić, M. Kostić, J. Cvetić, Response of the grounding loop backfilled with bentonite to the lightning impulse current, 2nd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, European COST Action P18, Vienna, Austria, Apr, 2007

Autori N. Radovanović, Milan Savić, Miomir Kostić i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2007

Dynamics of the Lightning Discharge During the Return Stroke

J. Cvetić, P. Osmokrović, Dynamics of the Lightning Discharge During the Return Stroke, IEEE Pulsed power conference, IEEE, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2007

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Predrag Osmokrović
Godina 2007
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 0730-9244
DOI 10.1109/PPPS.2007.4345454

Luminosity Characteristics of the Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Models

J. Cvetić, S. Marković, M. Taušanović, Luminosity Characteristics of the Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Models, 18th International Zurich Symposium on EMC, pp. 285 - 288, IEEE, Munich, 2007

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Slavoljub Marković i Milica Taušanović
Godina 2007
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-3-9523286-1-3
DOI 10.1109/EMCZUR.2007.4388251
Strana od 285
Strana do 288

Highly charged ion beam diagnostics at the mVINIS Ion Source

B. Popeskov, M. Milivojević, J. Cvetić, T. Nedeljković, I. Draganić, Highly charged ion beam diagnostics at the mVINIS Ion Source, 13th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, pp. 423 - 426, 2007

Autori B. Popeskov, M. Milivojević, Jovan Cvetić, T. Nedeljković i I. Draganić
Godina 2007
Strana od 423
Strana do 426

Optical characteristics of lightning discharge: validation of different return stroke models

J. Cvetić, V. Novaković, B. Milivojević, I. Gligorijević, M. Stefanović, Optical characteristics of lightning discharge: validation of different return stroke models, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kopaonik, Srbija i Crna Gora, Sep, 2006

Autori Jovan Cvetić, V. Novaković, B. Milivojević, I. Gligorijević i M. Stefanović
Godina 2006

Development of the Tesla Coil Apparatus

J. Cvetić, Development of the Tesla Coil Apparatus, Sixth International Symposium Nikola Tesla, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Oct, 2006

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2006
Izdavač SASA

Variation in light intensity from subsequent lightning return strokes

J. Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan, Z. Čeličanin, S. Milivojević, Variation in light intensity from subsequent lightning return strokes, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kopaonik, Srbija i Crna Gora, Sep, 2006

Autori Jovan Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan, Z. Čeličanin i S. Milivojević
Godina 2006

Optical Signal Radiated from the Lightning Channel: Comparison of the Different Return Stroke Models

J. Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan, V. Novaković, B. Mijović, I. Gligorijević, M. Stefanović, Z. Čeličanin, Optical Signal Radiated from the Lightning Channel: Comparison of the Different Return Stroke Models, 1st International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, European COST Action P18, Vienna, Austria, Apr, 2006

Autori Jovan Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan, V. Novaković, B. Mijović, I. Gligorijević, M. Stefanović i Z. Čeličanin
Godina 2006

Behaviour of the rise and fall characteristics of the channel discharge function for the Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, F. Heidler, Behaviour of the rise and fall characteristics of the channel discharge function for the Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model, 15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on EMC, pp. 557 - 560, IEEE, Zurich, Switzerland, Feb, 2003

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Božidar Stanić i Fridolin Heidler
Godina 2003
Izdavač IEEE
Strana od 557
Strana do 560

Lightning channel-base current modelling

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, B. Stanić, Lightning channel-base current modelling, 20th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), pp. 515 - 518, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Sep, 2000

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Fridolin Heidler i Božidar Stanić
Godina 2000
Strana od 515
Strana do 518

The dependence of the lightning current parameters on the channel height

F. Heidler, J. Cvetić, The dependence of the lightning current parameters on the channel height, International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity ICOLSE, pp. 165 - 172, Toulouse, France, Jun, 1999

Autori Fridolin Heidler i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1999
Strana od 165
Strana do 172

Properties of the Channel Discharge Function in the Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, F. Heidler, Properties of the Channel Discharge Function in the Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model, 13th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on EMC, pp. 575 - 580, Zurich, Switzerland, Feb, 1999

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Božidar Stanić i Fridolin Heidler
Godina 1999
Strana od 575
Strana do 580

Radiated Field Stresses in the Environment of Lightning Current

A. Schwab, J. Cvetić, Radiated Field Stresses in the Environment of Lightning Current, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), pp. 341 - 345, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Sep, 1998

Autori Adolf Schwab i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1998
Strana od 341
Strana do 345

Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model, Predavanje po pozivu na 19th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Sep, 1998

Autori Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1998

Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Generalized Lightning Travelling Current Source Return Stroke Model, 19th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), pp. 469 - 484, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Sep, 1998

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1998
Strana od 469
Strana do 484

LEMP Calculation Using Improved Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, LEMP Calculation Using Improved Return Stroke Model, 12th Int. Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on EMC, pp. 77 - 82, Zurich, Switzerland, 1997

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1997
Strana od 77
Strana do 82

Electromagnetic Field Above Earth Surface Calculated by the Improved Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Electromagnetic Field Above Earth Surface Calculated by the Improved Return Stroke Model, 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), pp. 380 - 385, Florence, Italy, 1996

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1996
Strana od 380
Strana do 385

Lightning Electromegnetic Frequency Spectrum according to the New Return Stroke Model

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Lightning Electromegnetic Frequency Spectrum according to the New Return Stroke Model, 18th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionised Gases (SPIG), pp. 576 - 579, Kotor, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1996

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1996
Strana od 576
Strana do 579

A New Improved Return Stroke Model with Specified Channel-base Current and Charge Distribution along Lightning Channel

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, A New Improved Return Stroke Model with Specified Channel-base Current and Charge Distribution along Lightning Channel, International Conference on Electromagnetics for Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 109 - 112, Torino, Italy, 1995

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1995
Strana od 109
Strana do 112

Transient Reflection from magnetized lossy Lorentz medium half space (extraordinary wave)

D. Milanović, J. Cvetić, Transient Reflection from magnetized lossy Lorentz medium half space (extraordinary wave), 16th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionised Gases (SPIG), pp. 358 - 360, Begrade, Yugoslavia, 1992

Autori Djurdje Milanović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1992
Strana od 358
Strana do 360

Transient response of lossy plasma and Lorentz medium half-space

B. Stanić, J. Cvetić, D. Milanović, Transient response of lossy plasma and Lorentz medium half-space, 15th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionised Gases (SPIG), pp. 360 - 361, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1990

Autori Božidar Stanić, Jovan Cvetić i Djurdje Milanović
Godina 1990
Strana od 360
Strana do 361

Radiofrequency spectra of lightning electromagnetic pulse

B. Stanić, J. Cvetić, Radiofrequency spectra of lightning electromagnetic pulse, 19th International Conference of Plasma and Ionised Gases (ICPIG), pp. 428 - 429, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989

Autori Božidar Stanić i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1989
Strana od 428
Strana do 429

Comparison of EMW spectra from lightning stroke

B. Stanić, J. Cvetić, Comparison of EMW spectra from lightning stroke, 14th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionised Gases (SPIG), pp. 457 - 460, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, 1988

Autori Božidar Stanić i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 1988
Strana od 457
Strana do 460

Radovi sa domaćih konferencija

Primena Padé-ove aproksimacije za ubrzanje algoritama obrade signala u problemima atmosferskih pražnjenja

D. Pavlović, T. Šekara, J. Cvetić, Primena Padé-ove aproksimacije za ubrzanje algoritama obrade signala u problemima atmosferskih pražnjenja, 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, pp. 19 - 22, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mar, 2021

Autori Dragan Pavlović, Tomislav Šekara i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2021
Izdavač Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Elektrotehnički fakultet
ISSN/ISBN 978-99976-710-8-0
Strana od 19
Strana do 22

Numeričko rešenje Volterine integralne jednačine prve vrste za generalisani model povratnog udara sa putujućim strujnim izvorom

D. Pavlović, G. Milovanović, J. Cvetić, N. Mijajlović, M. Ignjatović, Numeričko rešenje Volterine integralne jednačine prve vrste za generalisani model povratnog udara sa putujućim strujnim izvorom, 61. Konferencija ETRAN 2017, Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku, Kladovo, Srbija, Jun, 2017

Autori Dragan Pavlović, Gradimir Milovanović, Jovan Cvetić, Nikola Mijajlović i Milan Ignjatović
Godina 2017
Izdavač Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku
ISSN/ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐692‐0

Nelinearno ponašanje koeficijenta refleksije struje pri povratnom udaru AP

M. Taušanović, J. Živanić, M. Ignjatović, J. Cvetić, Nelinearno ponašanje koeficijenta refleksije struje pri povratnom udaru AP, 60. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN 2016, Društvo za ETRAN, Zlatibor, Srbija, Jun, 2016

Autori Milica Taušanović, Jeroslav Živanić, Milan Ignjatović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2016
Izdavač Društvo za ETRAN
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-618-0

Određivanje funkcije rapodele energije gasa slobodnih elektrona na niskim pritiscima

M. Ignjatović, K. Stanković, J. Cvetić, M. Alimpijević, L. Perazić, Određivanje funkcije rapodele energije gasa slobodnih elektrona na niskim pritiscima, 32. savetovanje CIGRE Srbija, Zlatibor, Srbija, May, 2015

Autori Milan Ignjatović, Koviljka Stanković, Jovan Cvetić, Mališa Alimpijević i Luka Perazić
Godina 2015
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82317-77-7

Uticaj otpora uzemljenja objekta na struju atmosferskog pražnjenja u tački udara

M. Taušanović, J. Cvetić, M. Ignjatović, D. Pavlović, N. Mijajlović, Uticaj otpora uzemljenja objekta na struju atmosferskog pražnjenja u tački udara, CIRED 2014, Vrnjačka banja, Srbija, Sep, 2014

Autori Milica Taušanović, Jovan Cvetić, Milan Ignjatović, Dragan Pavlović i Nikola Mijajlović
Godina 2014
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-83171-18-7

Magnetsko polje u blizini tačke udara atmosferskog pražnjenja

J. Cvetić, M. Taušanović, Magnetsko polje u blizini tačke udara atmosferskog pražnjenja, VI Savetovanje o elektro-distributivnim mrežama Srbije i Crne Gore, (CIRED), Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, Oct, 2008

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Milica Taušanović
Godina 2008

Luminosity characteristics of lightning discharge models

V. Novaković, B. Mijović, I. Gligorijević, M. Stefanović, J. Cvetić, Luminosity characteristics of lightning discharge models, 50.Konferencija ETRAN-a, Beograd, Srbija, Jun, 2006

Autori V. Novaković, B. Mijović, I. Gligorijević, M. Stefanović i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2006

Optical power output from the lightning channel during return stroke

J. Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan, Ž. Čeličanin, Optical power output from the lightning channel during return stroke, 50.Konferencija ETRAN-a, Beograd, Srbija, Jun, 2006

Autori Jovan Cvetić, M. Raičković, M. Buljan i Ž. Čeličanin
Godina 2006

Lightning Return Stroke Current Modeling

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, F. Heidler, Lightning Return Stroke Current Modeling, 3rd Yugoslavia-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer Simulation Science, Sep, 2002

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Božidar Stanić i Fridolin Heidler
Godina 2002

Height dependence of the lightning parameters: Comparison of different return stroke models

J. Cvetić, F. Heidler, Height dependence of the lightning parameters: Comparison of different return stroke models, 43th Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN), pp. 196 - 199, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Jun, 1999

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Fridolin Heidler
Godina 1999
Strana od 196
Strana do 199

Estimation of the Current Parameters in the Heidler's formulae for the Lightning Current at the Strike Point

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Estimation of the Current Parameters in the Heidler's formulae for the Lightning Current at the Strike Point, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN), Budva, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, Jun, 1996

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1996

The Estimation of the Real Lightning Return Stroke Speed from the Measured Apparent Height and Speed

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, The Estimation of the Real Lightning Return Stroke Speed from the Measured Apparent Height and Speed, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN), Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, 1995

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1995

The calculation of the lightning channel-base current from the radiated magnetic field

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, The calculation of the lightning channel-base current from the radiated magnetic field, IX congress of Yugoslav physical scientists, Bečići, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1995

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1995

Charge distribution function along the lightning channel during the return stroke

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Charge distribution function along the lightning channel during the return stroke, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN), Niš, Yugoslavia, Jun, 1994

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1994

Electromagnetic field above earth surface caused by lightning stroke

J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, Electromagnetic field above earth surface caused by lightning stroke, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN), Belgrade, Yugoslavia., Sep, 1993

Autori Jovan Cvetić i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1993

Jedan algoritam za ekstrakciju konture

P. Pejnović, J. Cvetić, Z. Stojiljković, Jedan algoritam za ekstrakciju konture, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETAN), Kopaonik, Yugoslavia, Sep, 1992

Autori P. Pejnović, Jovan Cvetić i Z. Stojiljković
Godina 1992

Vizuelno prepoznavanje oblika pomoću momentnih invarijanti

Z. Stojiljković, P. Pejnović, J. Cvetić, M. Šućur, Vizuelno prepoznavanje oblika pomoću momentnih invarijanti, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETAN), Ohrid, Yugoslavia, Jun, 1991

Autori Z. Stojiljković, P. Pejnović, Jovan Cvetić i M. Šućur
Godina 1991

The possibilities of determining the parameters of Lorentz medium by a reflection of a pulse electromagnetic wave

J. Cvetić, D. Milanović, B. Stanić, The possibilities of determining the parameters of Lorentz medium by a reflection of a pulse electromagnetic wave, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering (ETAN), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Jun, 1991

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Djurdje Milanović i Božidar Stanić
Godina 1991

Ostali radovi

Udarni strujni generator za simulaciju atmosferskih pražnjenja sa pneumatskom kontrolom

J. Cvetić, R. Đurić, M. Ponjavić, D. Šumarac Pavlović, Z. Trifković, D. Despotović, Udarni strujni generator za simulaciju atmosferskih pražnjenja sa pneumatskom kontrolom, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Beograd, 2012

Autori Jovan Cvetić, Radivoje Đurić, Milan Ponjavić, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović, Zoran Trifković i Dejan Despotović
Godina 2012
Izdavač Elektrotehnički fakultet, Beograd

Knjige i monografije

FIZIKA 1 Zbirka ispitnih zadataka sa rešenjima

P. Marinković, J. Cvetić, M. Tadić, FIZIKA 1 Zbirka ispitnih zadataka sa rešenjima, Akademska misao, 2019

Autori Predrag Marinković, Jovan Cvetić i Milan Tadić
Godina 2019
Izdavač Akademska misao
ISBN 978-86-7466-822-1
Broj strana 312
Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
Broj strana 312

Fizika - zbirka resenih zadataka

K. Nikolic, P. Marinković, J. Cvetić, Fizika - zbirka resenih zadataka, DN Centar, 2008

Autori Konstantin Nikolic, Predrag Marinković i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2008
Izdavač DN Centar
ISBN 978-86-83239-04-7
Broj strana 468
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 468

Predavanja iz Fizike

V. Georgijević, J. Cvetić, B. Stanić, J. Ilić, P. Marinković, L. Brajović, Z. Trifković, J. Jovanović, K. Nikolić, S. Kočinac, B. Lončar, P. Osmokrović, S. Ostojić, D. Stanković, R. Šašić, J. Georgijević, T. Konjajev-Mihaljidi, M. Mitrinović, Predavanja iz Fizike, Građevinski fakultet, Beograd, 2005

Autori Veljko Georgijević, Jovan Cvetić, Božidar Stanić, Jelena Ilić, Predrag Marinković, Ljiljana Brajović, Zoran Trifković, Jasmina Jovanović, Konstantin Nikolić, Saša Kočinac, Boris Lončar, Predrag Osmokrović, Stanko Ostojić, Dragan Stanković, Rajko Šašić, Julijana Georgijević, Tatjana Konjajev-Mihaljidi i Mihailo Mitrinović
Godina 2005
Izdavač Građevinski fakultet, Beograd
ISBN 86-7518-048-9
Tip knjige monografija

Fizika, zbirka rešenih zadataka

K. Nikolić, P. Marinković, J. Cvetić, Fizika, zbirka rešenih zadataka, DN centar, 2001

Autori Konstantin Nikolić, Predrag Marinković i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2001
Izdavač DN centar
ISBN 86-83239-04-7
Broj strana 468
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 468

Fizika-zbirka rešenih zadataka I deo

K. Nikolić, P. Marinković, J. Cvetić, Fizika-zbirka rešenih zadataka I deo, Akademska misao, 2000

Autori Konstantin Nikolić, Predrag Marinković i Jovan Cvetić
Godina 2000
Izdavač Akademska misao
ISBN 86-7466-010-X
Broj strana 280
Tip knjige udžbenik
Broj strana 280





Tip projekta Konferencije (međunarodne)
Rukovodilac prof. dr Jovan Cvetić
Početak realizacije 28.07.2022.

Atosekundni VUV-XUV-SXR snop za ultrabrze spektroskopije dinammike elektrona u gasovima i plazmi- prijekat ATTOPLASMAS

Atosekundni VUV-XUV-SXR snop za ultrabrze spektroskopije dinammike elektrona u gasovima i plazmi- prijekat ATTOPLASMAS

Tip projekta Fond za nauku - IDEJA
Rukovodilac prof. dr Jovan Cvetić
Početak realizacije 29.12.2021.

Elektrodinamika atmosfere u urbanim sredinama Srbije-NASTAVAK

Elektrodinamika atmosfere u urbanim sredinama Srbije-NASTAVAK

Tip projekta Nauka- Projekti NIO
Rukovodilac prof. dr Jovan Cvetić
Početak realizacije 24.02.2020.

Fizički i funkcionalni efekti interakcije zračenja sa elektrotehničkim i biološkim sistemom-NASTAVAK

Fizički i funkcionalni efekti interakcije zračenja sa elektrotehničkim i biološkim sistemom-NASTAV

Tip projekta Nauka- Projekti NIO
Rukovodilac prof. dr Koviljka Stanković
Početak realizacije 24.02.2020.

Elektrodinamika atmosfere u urbanim sredinama Srbije

Tip projekta Nauka – tehnološki razvoj
Rukovodilac prof. dr Jovan Cvetić
Početak realizacije 24.02.2011.

Fizički i funkcionalni efekti interakcije zračenja sa elektrotehničkim i biološkim sistemom

Tip projekta Nauka – osnovno istraživanje
Rukovodilac prof. dr Koviljka Stanković
Početak realizacije 24.02.2011.

Studija- Analiza rizika pri promeni poluprecnika zone u kojoj se pojavljuju grmljavinski oblaci, pri cemu se zabranjuje tocenje goriva, sa 8 km na 5 km od referentne tacke aerodroma

Studija- Analiza rizika pri promeni poluprecnika zone u kojoj se pojavljuju grmljavinski oblaci, pri cemu se zabranjuje tocenje goriva, sa 8 km na 5 km od referentne tacke aerodroma

Tip projekta Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti (podtip)
Rukovodilac prof. dr Jovan Trifunović
Finansijer Akcionarsko drustvo za vazdusni saobracaj AIR SERBIA BEOGRAD
Početak realizacije 28.03.2024.

Izrada TD i revitalizacija mosnog krana 125/20 t u HE Bistrica

Izrada TD i revitalizacija mosnog krana 125/20 t u HE Bistrica

Tip projekta Komercijalni projekti sa javnim preduzećima
Rukovodilac prof. dr Milan Bebić
Početak realizacije 18.08.2017.