
Applications of Predictive Control in Power Electronics

Време20. мај 2013. 09:39
ПредавачProf. dr Marco Rivera
ОрганизаторОдсек за Енергетику
МестоРачунски центр Електротехничког факултета, сала на спрату

Одсек за Енергетику вас позива на предавање:

Prof. dr Marco Rivera
Applications of Predictive Control
in Power Electronics

Предавање ће бити одржано у четвртак 23. маја 2013. године, од 11-13 часова, у Рачунском центру Електротехничког факултета у сали на спрату. Предавање ће бити на енглеском језику.

Кратак садржај предавања:

Due to the technological advances and the emergence of faster microcontrollers, now it is possible to perform a very large number of calculations at low cost allowing new and more complex control techniques such as fuzzy, adaptive and predictive control.

Predictive control method has found recent application in power electronics, due to the fast processing time required to control electrical variables. This technique is a very intuitive concept that is easy to implement in diverse systems. It performs well considering numerous restrictions, such as compensation for downtime or nonlinearities in the system, it offers a flexible control technique, and it is easily extendible for different applications.

In this presentation different applications of predictive control in power electronics and electrical drives will be given.

Кратка биографија предавача:

Prof. Marco Rivera received his B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Concepcion, Chile in 2007 and 2008, respectively. He received the PhD degree at the Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, in Valparaiso, Chile, in 2011 with a scholarship from the Chilean Research Fund CONICYT. During 2011 and 2012 he was working on a Post Doctoral position at Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria and currently he is a professor in Universidad de Talca, Chile. Prof. Rivera is a recipient of prestigious Chilean Academy of Sciences award for his PhD thesis. His research interests include matrix converters, predictive and digital controls for high-power drives, four-leg converters, renewable energies and development of high performance control platforms based on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.