
ALLIED TESTING тражи Software Test Automation инжењере

Allied Testing је водећа фирма специјализована за QA (quality assurance) и тестирање софтвера са фокусом на финансијску индустрију, која је скоро отворила огранак у Србији. Група за обезбеђење квалитета тражи Software Test Automation инжењере за рад на outsourcing пројекту за познату новинску агенцију - провајдера финансијских података. Одговорности које долазе са овим послом су: дизајнирање, програмирање и извођење аутоматских софтверских тестова, анализа резултата, прављење извештаја. Посао захтева тимски рад у интернационалном окружењу, у сарадњи са колегама из других земаља.

ALLIED TESTING is seeking Software Test Automation engineers


Allied Testing is a leading specialist QA and testing firm with focus on finance industry, which recently opened a branch in Serbia. The quality assurance department is looking to recruit Software Test Automation engineers to work on an outsourcing project with a famous news agency / financial data provider.
The responsibilities coming with this position are: to design, program and execute automatic software tests, analyze results, produce reports.
The job will require working in a distributed international environment. Working closely with both local and remote teams, you will have to learn existing large proprietary (customer) framework, comply with guidelines, and communicate in English with other parts of the team and management abroad on a daily basis.


  • Higher or incomplete higher education in computer engineering
  • Good knowledge of any of the following programming languages: C#, Java, VBA
  • Scripting experience using VBScript or Python or bash or Perl
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, XML, SOAP
  • Good written and spoken English, ability to discuss development topics on the phone, reading professional literature / documentation


Knowledge and experience in

  • Software testing
  • VBA and MSO object models
  • SQL, ADO, LINQ (.NET) or JDBC, JSQL, JDO (Java)
  • ORM
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • *.nix based systems and scripting


  • The salary depends on the experience and knowledge of the candidate. Our usual beginner’s (no-little experience) salary is USD 700, after the trial period the salary rises to USD 770.
  • trial period: usually 2 months,
  • remote or part-time work is not an option,
  • the office is near the Belgrade Fair,
  • the training period may involve going abroad for 3-4 weeks, the duration will largely depend on new developers' skills and experience.

Only resumes in English will be considered. Please upload your resume at this website:

Deadline for applications: 1.3.2012.