Vreme | 27. mart 2008. 14:00 |
Predavač | Zoran Golubović, zaposlen u AT&T u SAD |
Mesto | sala 61 |
Sadržaj predavanja:
Major telecommunication companies world wide are being rapidly transformed from the pure “Plain Old Telephone” telecoms to a multimedia providers. Offering a “Triple Play Services” with High Speed Internet Access, Voice over IP, and IP TV, or “Quadruple Play Services” with Wireless, has become their main stream business. The platform of choice for delivering these “converged services” is the fiber optics network.
This lecture will be an attempt to walk through all the related main areas and “building blocks”, including: a quick review of the few fiber optics communication topics, fiber optics network architecture, main network components with the specific vendor equipment example, the corresponding IT Operation Support Systems and Business Support Systems, as well as the highlights of the guidelines and good Project Management practices.
Predavanje će biti (najvećim delom) na engleskom jeziku.
Introduction - scope of the lecture
1. Converged Services – Data, Voice, and TV over IP Networks
2. Fiber Optics Advantages Over Copper
3. Fiber Optics Communication
3.1 SHD / SONET Transport
3.2 Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
4. Fiber Optics Networks
4.1 Reference Architecture
4.2 Network Components and Equipment
4.3 Fiber To The Node (FTTN) Network Type
4.4 Fiber To The Premise (FTTP) Network Type
4.5 Customer Premise Equipment
5. Information Technology Systems Supporting “Triple-Play” Services
5.1 Information Technology Reference Architecture
5.2 Element Management Systems (EMS)
5.3 Network Management Systems (NMS)
5.4 Operation Support Systems & Business Support Systems (OSS & BSS)
5.5 Network Build-out Systems
5.6 End-to-End Provisioning Process Flow
5.7. Network Monitoring and Fault Management
6. Building a Large Enterprise Systems - (Real-life) Guidelines & Best Practices
6.1 IT Prospective
6.2 Project Management Prospective
Questions & Answers
O predavaču:
Zoran Golubović je diplomirao na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, i stekao Magistarsku diplomu na DePaul University u Čikagu. Tokom skoro 20 godina svoje profesionalne karijere u Americi radio je u najvećim kompanijama, uključujući Abbott Laboratories, Motorola i AT&T. Tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina radi u AT&T “Lightspeed” Core Design Team-u za razvoj i implementiranje High Speed Internet Access, VoIP, i IP TV korisničkih usluga. Ovaj projekat je trenutno najveći poduhvat ove vrste u telekomunikacionoj industriji u Americi, koji uključuje par stotina systema, projektni tim od preko 1000 učesnika, i nekoliko desetina isporučioca opreme, softvera, i konsultantskih firmi. Gospodin Golubović je takođe već godinama stalni član AT&T “Technology Architecture Board”-a za strategijski razvoj, standardizaciju, i uvođenje novih tehnologija na nivou AT&T korporacije.