
100 Mb/sec to 100 milion households

Vreme 03. septembar 2003. 13:00
Predavač prof. Edward W. Knightly, PhD, Rice University
Mesto ETF, 62

Profesor na ECE i CS departmentima Rice univerziteta Edward W. Knightly održaće u sredu 3.septembra predavanje na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, u sali 62, sa pocetkom u 11.00 h. Naslov predavanja je 100 Mb/sec to 100 milion households a oblast koju pokriva su širokopojasne pristupne internet mreže.

The realization of a high-speed Internet that is widely deployed to homes and public places is in its infancy. Today, over 90% of Americans access the Internet via the same twisted-pair lines invented by Alexander Graham Bell himself in 1887. Moreover, so called "broadband" services typically peak at several hundreds of kilobits per second at prices that are disproportionately high for the modest increase in bandwidth. In this talk, I will describe our efforts to achieve 100x100: 100 Mb/sec to 100 million U.S. households. With a focus on wireless access, I will describe research challenges encountered in the design, analysis, and deployment of a 100x100 network with unprecedented speed, scale, and services.