
prof. dr Petar Matavulj

Redovni profesor
Katedra za mikroelektroniku i tehničku fiziku

Zgrada tehničkih fakulteta, kancelarija 87

Stručni naziv doktor elektrotehničkih nauka
Naučna oblast Fizička elektronika
Datum izbora 16. jul 2013.


Predmeti iz nastavnog plana i programa 2013


Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

The way toward truly QoS-aware EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, The way toward truly QoS-aware EPON, PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 125 - 138, Jul, 2024

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2024
DOI 10.1007/s11107-024-01022-7
Impakt faktor 1.8 (M23)
Volumen 47
Broj 1
Strana od 125
Strana do 138

Modeling of aircraft infrared signature based on comparative tracking

D. Knežević, P. Matavulj, Z. Nikolić, Modeling of aircraft infrared signature based on comparative tracking, OPTIK, Vol. 225, No. 1, pp. 165782 - (7p), Jan, 2021

Autori Dragan Knežević, Petar Matavulj i Zoran Nikolić
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165782
Časopis OPTIK
Impakt faktor 2.84 (M22)
Volumen 225
Broj 1
Strana od 165782
Strana do (7p)

Organic solar cell physics analyzed by Shockley diode equation

M. Stanojević, J.Gojanović, P. Matavulj, S. Živanović, Organic solar cell physics analyzed by Shockley diode equation, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 345 - (10p), Jul, 2020

Autori Milan Stanojević, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1007/s11082-020-02459-6
Impakt faktor 2.084 (M22)
Volumen 52
Broj 7
Strana od 345
Strana do (10p)

The Impact of Surface Processes on the J-V Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells

A. Khalf, J.Gojanović, N. Ćirović, S. Živanović, P. Matavulj, The Impact of Surface Processes on the J-V Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, pp. 1 - 8, Jan, 2020

Autori Ali Khalf, Jovana Gojanović, Nataša Ćirović, Sandra Živanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.2965401
Časopis IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Impakt faktor 3.887 (M21)
Strana od 1
Strana do 8

Techno-economic analysis of multiservice EPON deployment

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Techno-economic analysis of multiservice EPON deployment, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. e3613-1 - e3613-18, Apr, 2019

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2019
DOI 10.1002/ett.3613
Časopis Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Impakt faktor 1.61 (M22)
Volumen 30
Broj 6
Strana od e3613-1
Strana do e3613-18

Analysis of Online DBA Algorithm with Adaptive Sleep Cycle in WDM EPON

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Analysis of Online DBA Algorithm with Adaptive Sleep Cycle in WDM EPON, FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 171 - 184, Mar, 2018

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2018
DOI 10.1080/01468030.2018.1455928
Impakt faktor 0.895 (M23)
Volumen 37
Broj 3
Strana od 171
Strana do 184

Improving quality of service in four-channel WDM Ethernet passive optical network

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Improving quality of service in four-channel WDM Ethernet passive optical network, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 371:1 - 14, Oct, 2018

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2018
DOI 10.1007/s11082-018-1637-3
Impakt faktor 1.547 (M22)
Volumen 50
Broj 10
Strana od 371:1
Strana do 14

Pulsed TEA CO2 Laser Irradiation of Titanium in Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gases

J. Ciganović, P. Matavulj, M. Trtica, J. Stašić, J. Savović, S. Živković, M. Momčilović, Pulsed TEA CO2 Laser Irradiation of Titanium in Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gases, RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 91, No. 13, pp. 2696 - 2701, Dec, 2017

Autori Jovan Ciganović, Petar Matavulj, M. Trtica, J. Stašić, J. Savović, S. Živković i M. Momčilović
Godina 2017
DOI 10.1134/S003602441713009X
Impakt faktor 0.597 (M23)
Volumen 91
Broj 13
Strana od 2696
Strana do 2701

Authenticated B92 QKD protocol employing synchronized optical chaotic systems

A. Stojanović, R. Ramos, P. Matavulj, Authenticated B92 QKD protocol employing synchronized optical chaotic systems, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 285:1 - 7, May, 2016

Autori Aleksandar Stojanović, Rubens Viana Ramos i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1007/s11082-016-0559-1
Impakt faktor 1.29 (M22)
Volumen 48
Broj 5
Strana od 285:1
Strana do 7

Repeated passing principle for propagation in optical resonators

T. Keča, W. Headley, G. Mashanovich, P. Matavulj, Repeated passing principle for propagation in optical resonators, OPTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 254 - 259, Feb, 2016

Autori Tatjana Keča, William Headley, Goran Mashanovich i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1007/s10043-016-0195-9
Impakt faktor 0.656 (M23)
Volumen 23
Broj 2
Strana od 254
Strana do 259

Simulation analysis of energy efficient WDM ethernet passive optical network

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Simulation analysis of energy efficient WDM ethernet passive optical network, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 313:1 - 7, Jun, 2016

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2016
DOI 10.1007/s11082-016-0572-4
Impakt faktor 1.29 (M22)
Volumen 48
Broj 6
Strana od 313:1
Strana do 7

Modeling of the polymer solar cell with a P3HT:PCBM active layer

Ž. Jelić, J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, J. Melancon, A. Sharma, C. Zellhofer, S. Živanović, Modeling of the polymer solar cell with a P3HT:PCBM active layer, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol. T163, pp. 014035 - (4p), Sep, 2014

Autori Željko Jelić, Jovana Petrović, Petar Matavulj, J Melancon, A Sharma, C Zellhofer i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T162/014035
Impakt faktor 1.296 (M22)
Volumen T163
Strana od 014035
Strana do (4p)

Modelling of the polymer solar cell with P3HT:PCBM active layer

Ž. Jelić, J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, J. Melankon, A. Sharma, C. Zellhofer, S. Živanović, Modelling of the polymer solar cell with P3HT:PCBM active layer, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol. T162, pp. 014035-1 - 014035-4, Sep, 2014

Autori Željko Jelić, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Justin Melancon, Ashish Sharma, Caroline Zellhofer i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2014
DOI 10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T162/014035
Impakt faktor 1.296 (M22)
Volumen T162
Strana od 014035-1
Strana do 014035-4

Higly Flexibile and Efficient Model for QoS Provisioning in WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Higly Flexibile and Efficient Model for QoS Provisioning in WDM EPON, JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 921 - 931, Aug, 2013

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2013
DOI 10.1364/JOCN.5.000921
Impakt faktor 1.872 (M21)
Volumen 5
Broj 8
Strana od 921
Strana do 931

Free spectral range adjustment of a silicon rib racetrack resonator

T. Keča, P. Matavulj, W. Headley, G. Mashanovich, Free spectral range adjustment of a silicon rib racetrack resonator, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol. T149, No. 4, pp. 014031 - 4pp, Apr, 2012

Autori Tatjana Keča, Petar Matavulj, William Headley i Goran Mashanovich
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T149/014031
Impakt faktor 1.204 (M22)
Volumen T149
Broj 4
Strana od 014031
Strana do 4pp

Thickness dependent absorption and polaron photogeneration in poly-(2-metoxy-5-(2[prime]-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene)

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, L. Pinto, A. Thapa, S. Živanović, Thickness dependent absorption and polaron photogeneration in poly-(2-metoxy-5-(2[prime]-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 111, pp. 124512-1 - 124512-8, Jun, 2012

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, L. R. Pinto, A. Thapa i S. R. Živanović
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1063/1.4729770
Impakt faktor 2.21 (M21)
Volumen 111
Strana od 124512-1
Strana do 124512-8

Advanced scheduling algorithm for quality of service support in WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Advanced scheduling algorithm for quality of service support in WDM EPON, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 19, No. 26, pp. B587 - B593, Dec, 2011

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1364/OE.19.00B587
Impakt faktor 3.749 (M21)
Volumen 19
Broj 26
Strana od B587
Strana do B593

An Unique SPICE Model of Photodiode with Slowly Changeable Carriers’ Velocities

P. Matavulj, M. Lazović, J. Radunović, An Unique SPICE Model of Photodiode with Slowly Changeable Carriers’ Velocities, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 64 - 78, Jan, 2011

Autori Petar Matavulj, Miomira Lazović i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1007/s10762-010-9737-6
Impakt faktor 0.824 (M23)
Volumen 32
Broj 1
Strana od 64
Strana do 78

Interplay of device structure and intrinsic polymer photophysics and its effects on the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photocurrent spectra

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, L. Pinto, S. Živanović, Interplay of device structure and intrinsic polymer photophysics and its effects on the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photocurrent spectra, JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS, Vol. 5, pp. 051808 - 19pp, May, 2011

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Leon Pinto i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1117/1.3594090
Impakt faktor 1.854 (M21)
Volumen 5
Strana od 051808
Strana do 19pp

Novel wavelength and bandwidth allocation algorithms for WDM EPON with QoS support

Mirjana Radivojević, Petar Matavulj, Novel wavelength and bandwidth allocation algorithms for WDM EPON with QoS support, PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 173 - 182, Oct, 2010

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1007/s11107-010-0257-z
Impakt faktor 0.765 (M23)
Volumen 20
Broj 2
Strana od 173
Strana do 182

Rib waveguides for mid-infrared silicon photonics

Milan M. Milošević, Petar S. Matavulj, Pengyuan Y. Yang, Alvise Bagolini, Goran Z Mashanovich, Rib waveguides for mid-infrared silicon photonics, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 1760 - 1766, Sep, 2009

Autori Milan Milošević, Petar Matavulj, Pengyuan Y. Yang, Alvise Bagolini i Goran Mašanović
Godina 2009
DOI doi:10.1364/JOSAB.26.001760
Impakt faktor 2.181
Volumen 26
Broj 9
Strana od 1760
Strana do 1766

Field Induced Singlet Exciton Dissociation and Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in MEH-PPV Films Studied by Photocurrent Spectra

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, L. Pinto, S. Živanović Šelmić, Field Induced Singlet Exciton Dissociation and Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in MEH-PPV Films Studied by Photocurrent Spectra, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Vol. 116, No. 04, pp. 595 - 597, Oct, 2009

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Leon Pinto i Sandra Živanović-Šelmić
Godina 2009
Impakt faktor 0.433
Volumen 116
Broj 04
Strana od 595
Strana do 597

Implementation of Intra-ONU Scheduling for Quality of Service Support in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks

Mirjana R. Radivojević, Petar S. Matavulj, Implementation of Intra-ONU Scheduling for Quality of Service Support in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 27, No. 18, pp. 4055 - 4062, Sep, 2009

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2009
DOI doi:10.1109/JLT.2009.2022043
Impakt faktor 2.736
Volumen 27
Broj 18
Strana od 4055
Strana do 4062

Charge carrier recombination in the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photodetector

Jovana P. Petrović, Petar S. Matavulj, Difei Qi, Sandra R. Šelmić, Charge carrier recombination in the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photodetector, HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 177 - 181, May, 2009

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Difei Qi i Sandra Živanović-Šelmić
Godina 2009
DOI doi:10.2298/HEMIND0903177P
Impakt faktor 0.117
Volumen 63
Broj 3
Strana od 177
Strana do 181

An influence of current leakage on characteristics of quantum well laser

P. S. Matavulj, B. Dj. Timotijević, An influence of current leakage on characteristics of quantum well laser, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 479 - 483, Feb, 2008

Autori Petar Matavulj i Branislav Timotijević
Godina 2008
DOI doi:10.1002/mop.23121
Impakt faktor 0.743
Volumen 50
Broj 2
Strana od 479
Strana do 483

Silicon photonic waveguides for different wavelength regions

G Z Mashanovich, M Milošević, P Matavulj, S Stanković, B Timotijević, P Y Yang, E J Teo, M B H Breese, A A Bettiol, G T Reed, Silicon photonic waveguides for different wavelength regions, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 064002 - 064010, Jun, 2008

Autori Goran Mašanović, Milan Milošević, Petar Matavulj, Stevan Stanković, Branislav Timotijević, P. Y. Yang, E. J. Teo, M. B. H. Breese, A. A. Bettiol i G. T. Reed
Godina 2008
DOI doi:10.1088/0268-1242/23/6/064002
Impakt faktor 1.899
Volumen 23
Broj 6
Strana od 064002
Strana do 064010

Analysis of blocking probability in optical burst switched networks

Vladica Tintor, Petar Matavulj, Jovan Radunović, Analysis of blocking probability in optical burst switched networks, PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 227 - 236, Mar, 2008

Autori Vladica Tintor, Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2008
DOI doi:10.1007/s11107-007-0101-2
Impakt faktor 0.837
Volumen 15
Broj 3
Strana od 227
Strana do 236

Design Rules for Single-Mode and Polarization-Independent Silicon-on-Insulator Rib Waveguides Using Stress Engineering

Milan M. Milošević, Petar S. Matavulj, Branislav D. Timotijević, Graham T. Reed, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Design Rules for Single-Mode and Polarization-Independent Silicon-on-Insulator Rib Waveguides Using Stress Engineering, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 26, No. 13, pp. 1840 - 1846, Jul, 2008

Autori Milan Milošević, Petar Matavulj, Branislav Timotijević, Graham Reed i Goran Mašanović
Godina 2008
DOI doi: 10.1109/JLT.2008.922193
Impakt faktor 2.824
Volumen 26
Broj 13
Strana od 1840
Strana do 1846

A Model for the Current–Voltage Characteristics of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al Photodetectors

Jovana Petrović, Petar Matavulj, Difei Qi, David Keith Chambers, Sandra Šelmić, A Model for the Current–Voltage Characteristics of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al Photodetectors, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 348 - 350, Mar, 2008

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Difei Qi, David Keith Chambers i Sandra Šelmić
Godina 2008
DOI doi:10.1109/LPT.2007.915586
Impakt faktor 2.353
Volumen 20
Broj 5
Strana od 348
Strana do 350

The few SPICE models of ultra fast P-i-N photodiode

Miomira Lazović, Petar Matavulj, Jovan Radunović, The few SPICE models of ultra fast P-i-N photodiode, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 2445 - 2448, Aug, 2007

Autori Miomira Lazović, Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2007
Impakt faktor 1.138
Volumen 9
Broj 8
Strana od 2445
Strana do 2448

Silicon Photonic Waveguides for Near- and Mid-Infrared Regions

S. Stanković, M. Milošević, B. Timotijević, P. Y. Yang, E. J. Teo, J. Crnjanski, P. Matavulj, G. Z. Mashanovich, Silicon Photonic Waveguides for Near- and Mid-Infrared Regions, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Vol. 112, No. 5, pp. 1019 - 1024, Nov, 2007

Autori Stevan Stanković, Milan Milošević, Branislav Timotijević, P. Y. Yang, E. J. Teo, Jasna Crnjanski, Petar Matavulj i Goran Mašanović
Godina 2007
Impakt faktor 0.394
Volumen 112
Broj 5
Strana od 1019
Strana do 1024

Equivalent electric circuit of the P-i-N photodiode for the pulse incident excitation

Miomira V. Lazović, Petar S. Matavulj, Jovan B. Radunović, Equivalent electric circuit of the P-i-N photodiode for the pulse incident excitation, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 468 - 471, Jun, 2004

Autori Miomira Lazović, Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2004
DOI doi:10.1002/mop.20174
Impakt faktor 0.5
Volumen 41
Broj 6
Strana od 468
Strana do 471

Real single quantum well laser frequency response

P. S. Matavulj, J. B. Radunović, Real single quantum well laser frequency response, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 863 - 869, Jun, 2001

Autori Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2001
DOI doi:10.1023/A:1014962213884
Impakt faktor 0.442
Volumen 22
Broj 6
Strana od 863
Strana do 869

Resonant cavity-enhanced Schottky photodiode – modelling and analysis

D. S. Golubović, P. S. Matavulj, J. B. Radunović, Resonant cavity-enhanced Schottky photodiode – modelling and analysis, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 950 - 956, Oct, 2000

Autori Dušan Golubović, Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2000
DOI doi:10.1088/0268-1242/15/10/303
Impakt faktor 1.338
Volumen 15
Broj 10
Strana od 950
Strana do 956

Comparison of nonlinear and nonstationary response of conventional and resonant cavity enhanced p-i-n photodiode

Petar S.. Matavulj, Dušan S. Golubović, Jovan B. Radunović, Comparison of nonlinear and nonstationary response of conventional and resonant cavity enhanced p-i-n photodiode, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 87, No. 6, pp. 3086 - 3092, Mar, 2000

Autori Petar Matavulj, Dušan Golubović i Jovan Radunović
Godina 2000
DOI doi:10.1063/1.372304
Impakt faktor 2.275
Volumen 87
Broj 6
Strana od 3086
Strana do 3092

Characterization and Optimization of a Resonant Cavity Enhanced P-i-N Photodiode Response

D. Golubović, P. Matavulj, J. Radunović, Characterization and Optimization of a Resonant Cavity Enhanced P-i-N Photodiode Response, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 109 - 123, Jan, 1999

Autori Dušan Golubović, Petar Matavulj i Jovan Radunović
Godina 1999
DOI 10.1023/A:1021759819446
Impakt faktor 0.442
Volumen 20
Broj 1
Strana od 109
Strana do 123

The Influence of Nonstationary Carrier Transport on the Bandwidth of P-i-N Photodiode

P. Matavulj, D. Gvozdić, J. Radunović, The Influence of Nonstationary Carrier Transport on the Bandwidth of P-i-N Photodiode, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 2270 - 2277, Dec, 1997

Autori Petar Matavulj, Dejan Gvozdić i Jovan Radunović
Godina 1997
DOI 10.1109/50.643555
Impakt faktor 1.458
Volumen 15
Broj 12
Strana od 2270
Strana do 2277

Nonlinear Pulse Response of P-I-N Photodiode Caused by the Change of the Bias Voltage

P. Matavulj, D. Gvozdić, J. Radunović, J. Elazar, Nonlinear Pulse Response of P-I-N Photodiode Caused by the Change of the Bias Voltage, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1519 - 1528, Sep, 1996

Autori Petar Matavulj, Dejan Gvozdić, Jovan Radunović i Jovan Elazar
Godina 1996
DOI 10.1007/BF02088505
Impakt faktor 0.445
Volumen 17
Broj 9
Strana od 1519
Strana do 1528

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Techno-economic Analysis of NGNs Implementation in Rural Areas Based on the Geographic and Socio-demographic Characteristics of Serbia

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Techno-economic Analysis of NGNs Implementation in Rural Areas Based on the Geographic and Socio-demographic Characteristics of Serbia, TEHNIKA, Vol. 66, No. 5, pp. 707 - 713, Nov, 2017

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2017
Volumen 66
Broj 5
Strana od 707
Strana do 713

Cost of Stable Dimensioning in Optical Packet Ring with Uniform and Symmetric Traffic

B. Ušćumlić, V. Gredić, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. Morvan, P. Matavulj, Cost of Stable Dimensioning in Optical Packet Ring with Uniform and Symmetric Traffic, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 43 - 47, Jun, 2013

Autori Bogdan Ušćumlić, Veselin Gredić, Annie Gravey, Philippe Gravey, Michel Morvan i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2013
Volumen 5
Broj 1
Strana od 43
Strana do 47

Tehno-ekonomski aspekti planiranja i razvoja optičkih mreža

M. Blanuša, P. Matavulj, Tehno-ekonomski aspekti planiranja i razvoja optičkih mreža, TELEKOMUNIKACIJE, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 2 - 20, May, 2012

Autori Milan Blanuša i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2012
Volumen 5
Broj 9
Strana od 2
Strana do 20

Analysis of coexisting GPON and NG-PON1 (10G-PON) systems

M. Mraković, P. Matavulj, Analysis of coexisting GPON and NG-PON1 (10G-PON) systems, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 43 - 48, Nov, 2011

Autori Marija Mraković i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2011
Volumen 3
Broj 1
Strana od 43
Strana do 48

Kvalitet servisa u Eternet pasivnim optičkim mrežama sledeće generacije

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Kvalitet servisa u Eternet pasivnim optičkim mrežama sledeće generacije, TELEKOMUNIKACIJE, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 25 - 39, Jul, 2010

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2010
Volumen 3
Broj 5
Strana od 25
Strana do 39

Algorithm for implementation of the wavelength division multiplexing in EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Algorithm for implementation of the wavelength division multiplexing in EPON, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 38 - 42, Nov, 2010

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2010
Volumen 2
Broj 1
Strana od 38
Strana do 42

Single mode and polarization independence in the strain silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides

Milan M. Milošević, Petar S. Matavulj, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Single mode and polarization independence in the strain silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides, HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 119 - 124, May, 2008

Autori Milan Milošević, Petar Matavulj i Goran Mašanović
Godina 2008
DOI doi:10.2298/HEMIND0803119M
Volumen 62
Broj 3
Strana od 119
Strana do 124

An InGaAs P-i-N Photodiode Model: Description and Implementations in the Analysis of the 1.55 micron Lightwave System

M. Cvetković, P. Matavulj, J. Radunović, A. Marinčić, An InGaAs P-i-N Photodiode Model: Description and Implementations in the Analysis of the 1.55 micron Lightwave System, JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 24 - 31, Jan, 2001

Autori Mladen Cvetković, Petar Matavulj, Jovan Radunović i Aleksandar Marinčić
Godina 2001
Volumen 22
Broj 1
Strana od 24
Strana do 31

Radovi sa međunarodnih konferencija

Routing and Wavelenght Assignment Algorithm with Conversion in All-Optical Network

M. Mićić, P. Matavulj, Routing and Wavelenght Assignment Algorithm with Conversion in All-Optical Network, Proceedings of 31st Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR 2023), pp. 915 - 918, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2023

Autori Milena Mićić i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2023
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-6654-7272-2
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2016.7818943
Strana od 915
Strana do 918

Electron trapping in polymer materials

D. Vuković, D. Dudić, B. Škipina, P. Matavulj, Electron trapping in polymer materials, XV International Scientific Conference – Contemporay Materials 2022, Academy of Science and Art of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka, Sep, 2022

Autori Danijela Vuković, Duško Dudić, Blanka Škipina i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2022
Izdavač Academy of Science and Art of Republika Srpska

Temperature influence on the performance of P3HT:ICBA polymer solar cells

A. Khalf, J. Gojanović, N. Ćirović, P. Matavulj, G. Ledet, M. Hidalgoand, S. Živanović, Temperature influence on the performance of P3HT:ICBA polymer solar cells, IcETRAN Conference, Ethno village Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, Sep, 2021

Autori Ali Khalf, Jovana Gojanović, Nataša Ćirović, Petar Matavulj, Grant Ledet, Mark Hidalgoand i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2021

Current-Voltage Characteristics Simulations of Organic Solar Cells Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method

N. Ćirović, A. Khalf, J. Gojanović, P. Matavulj, S. Živanović, Current-Voltage Characteristics Simulations of Organic Solar Cells Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2021), Turin, Italy, Sep, 2021

Autori Nataša Ćirović, Ali Khalf, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2021
ISSN/ISBN 2158-3242
DOI 10.1109/NUSOD52207.2021.9541418

Analysis of the Surface Recombination Influence on Organic Solar Cell J-V curve

A. Khalf, J. Gojanović, N. Ćirović, M. Islam, S. Živanović, P. Matavulj, Analysis of the Surface Recombination Influence on Organic Solar Cell J-V curve, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2019 (IPR, Networks, NOMA, SPPCom, PVLED), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), Burlingame, California United States, Jul, 2019

Autori Ali Khalf, Jovana Gojanović, Nataša Ćirović, M. Islam, Sandra Živanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2019
Izdavač OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019)
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-943580-64-4

Organic solar cell physics analyzed by Shockley diode equation

M. Stanojević, J. Gojanović, P. Matavulj, S. Živanović, Organic solar cell physics analyzed by Shockley diode equation, Photonica19 - VII International School and Conference on Photonics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2019

Autori Milan Stanojević, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2019
Izdavač Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7306-153-5
Strana od 145

Digital measurement of optical transfer function

D. Radovanović, P. Matavulj, Digital measurement of optical transfer function, Proceedings of 17th International Conference INFOTEH-JAHORINA, pp. 1 - 5, IEEE, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2018

Autori Dušan Radovanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2018
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5386-4907-7)
DOI 10.1109/INFOTEH.2018.8345510
Strana od 1
Strana do 5

Temperature dependence of P3HT:ICBA polymer solar cells

A. Petrović, J. Gojanović, P. Matavulj, M. Islam, S. Živanović, Temperature dependence of P3HT:ICBA polymer solar cells, Proceedings of International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2017), pp. 133 - 134, IEEE, Copenhagen, Denmark, Jul, 2017

Autori Aleksandar Petrović, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Monirul Islam i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2017
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-5323-0
DOI 10.1109/NUSOD.2017.8010027
Strana od 133
Strana do 134

Performances of BB84 and B92 QKD authentication protocols analyzed by proposed physical model

N. Miljković, A. Stojanović, P. Matavulj, Performances of BB84 and B92 QKD authentication protocols analyzed by proposed physical model, 10th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, pp. 7 - 7, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Kopaonik, Serbia, Feb, 2017

Autori Nemanja Miljković, Aleksandar Stojanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2017
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-45-8
Strana od 7
Strana do 7

How long can ONU be inactive in four/wavelenghts model of WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network?

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, How long can ONU be inactive in four/wavelenghts model of WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network?, Proceedings of 16th International Conference INFOTEH-JAHORINA, pp. 207 - 210, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2017

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2017
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-99976-710-0-4
Strana od 207
Strana do 210

Improving Quality of Service in four-channel WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Improving Quality of Service in four-channel WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network, Photonica2017 - VI International School and Conference on Photonics, pp. 148 - 148, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2017

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2017
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-46-5
Strana od 148
Strana do 148

Multiparameter QKD authentication protocol design over optical quantum channel

N. Miljković, A. Stojanović, R. Ramos, P. Matavulj, Multiparameter QKD authentication protocol design over optical quantum channel, Photonica2017 - VI International School and Conference on Photonics, pp. 145 - 145, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2017

Autori Nemanja Miljković, Aleksandar Stojanović, Rubens Viana Ramos i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2017
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-46-5
Strana od 145
Strana do 145

Modeling of aircraft IC signature based on comparative tracking

D. Knežević, P. Matavulj, Z. Nikolić, Modeling of aircraft IC signature based on comparative tracking, Photonica2017 - VI International School and Conference on Photonics, pp. 137 - 137, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2017

Autori Dragan Knežević, Petar Matavulj i Zoran Nikolić
Godina 2017
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-46-5
Strana od 137
Strana do 137

Benefits of implementing online Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation algorithm in energy efficient WDM EPON

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Benefits of implementing online Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation algorithm in energy efficient WDM EPON, 10th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, pp. 15 - 15, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Kopaonik, Serbia, Feb, 2017

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2017
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-45-8
Strana od 15
Strana do 15

What does mean adaptive sleep cycle in energy efficient optical access network?

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, What does mean adaptive sleep cycle in energy efficient optical access network?, 7th International Workshop on Fiber Optics in Access Networks (FOAN2017), pp. 1 - 5, IEEE, Munich, Germany, Nov, 2017

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2017
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5386-2413-5
DOI 10.1109/FOAN.2017.8215252
Strana od 1
Strana do 5

The possibility of an information processing in the infrared picture

D. Knežević, P. Matavulj, Z. Nikolić, The possibility of an information processing in the infrared picture, 9th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, Mar, 2016

Autori Dragan Knežević, Petar Matavulj i Zoran Nikolić
Godina 2016
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-44-1

Simulation, Measurement and Characterization of OTN/DWDM Optical Transport Platform

N. Miljković, V. Kostić, P. Matavulj, Simulation, Measurement and Characterization of OTN/DWDM Optical Transport Platform, 9th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, Mar, 2016

Autori Nemanja Miljković, Vladimir Kostić i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2016
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-44-1

Pulsed TEA CO2 laser irradiation of titanium-controllable gas ambience

J. Ciganović, P. Matavulj, M. Trtica, J. Stašić, J. Savović, S. Živković, M. Momčilović, Pulsed TEA CO2 laser irradiation of titanium-controllable gas ambience, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Physical Chemistry 2016), Belgrade, Sep, 2016

Autori J. Ciganović, Petar Matavulj, M. Trtica, J. Stašić, J. Savović, S. Živković i M. Momčilović
Godina 2016
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82475-33-0

Physical model for B92-QKD authentication based on analogy with optical chaotic systems

N. Miljković, A. Stojanović, P. Matavulj, Physical model for B92-QKD authentication based on analogy with optical chaotic systems, 24th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR 2016), pp. 915 - 918, IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2016

Autori Nemanja Miljković, Aleksandar Stojanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-4085-8
Strana od 915
Strana do 918

MPCP adjusting for improving QoS in Green WDM EPON

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, MPCP adjusting for improving QoS in Green WDM EPON, 6th International Workshop on Fiber Optics in Access Networks (FOAN2016), pp. 29 - 34, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct, 2016

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2016
Izdavač IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-3319-5
Strana od 29
Strana do 34

Techno-economic analysis of NGNs implementation in rural areas based on the geographic and socio-demographic characteristics of Serbia

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Techno-economic analysis of NGNs implementation in rural areas based on the geographic and socio-demographic characteristics of Serbia, Photonica2015 - V International School and Conference on Photonics, Aug, 2015

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2015
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7306-131-3

Assistant procedures for Quantum Key Distribution in future Optical Communication Systems

A. Stojanović, R. Ramos, P. Matavulj, Assistant procedures for Quantum Key Distribution in future Optical Communication Systems, Photonica2015 - V International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Aug, 2015

Autori Aleksandar Stojanović, Rubens Viana Ramos i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2015
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7306-131-3

Simulation analysis of energy efficient WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Simulation analysis of energy efficient WDM Ethernet Passive Optical Network, Photonica2015 - V International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Aug, 2015

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2015
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7306-131-3

Modeling polymer solar cell based on P3HT:PCBM active layer

Ž. Jelić, J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, J. Melancon, M. Galib, S. Živanović, Modeling polymer solar cell based on P3HT:PCBM active layer, Photonica13 - IV International School and Conference on Photonics, Aug, 2013

Autori Željko Jelić, Jovana Petrović, Petar Matavulj, J. Melancon, M. Galib i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2013
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-36-6

WDM Optical Packet Ring Performance Insights: Scheluding and Capacity

B. Ušćumlić, P. Matavulj, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. Morvan, WDM Optical Packet Ring Performance Insights: Scheluding and Capacity, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC2012), pp. 253 - 258, IEEE-ComSoc, Cappadocia, Turkey, Jul, 2012

Autori Bogdan Ušćumlić, Petar Matavulj, Annie Gravey, Philippe Gravey i Michel Morvan
Godina 2012
Izdavač IEEE-ComSoc
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4673-2712-1
DOI 10.1109/ISCC.2012.6249304
Strana od 253
Strana do 258

Influence of Geometric Parameters on the SOI Racetrack Resonator Properties

P. Matavulj, T. Keča, Influence of Geometric Parameters on the SOI Racetrack Resonator Properties, Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium Proceedings (PIERS2012), pp. 13 - 17, The Electromagnetics Academy, USA, Moscow, Russia, Aug, 2012

Autori Petar Matavulj i Tatjana Keča
Godina 2012
Izdavač The Electromagnetics Academy, USA
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-934142-22-6
Strana od 13
Strana do 17

Stable dimensioning issue for optical packet ring with uniform and symetric traffic

B. Ušćumlić, V. Gredić, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. Morvan, P. Matavulj, Stable dimensioning issue for optical packet ring with uniform and symetric traffic, 20th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR2012), pp. 915 - 918, IEEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2012

Autori Bogdan Ušćumlić, Veselin Gredić, Annie Gravey, Philippe Gravey, Michel Morvan i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2012
Izdavač IEEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4673-2984-2
Strana od 915
Strana do 918

Advanced Scheduling Algorithm for Quality of Service Support in WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Advanced Scheduling Algorithm for Quality of Service Support in WDM EPON, 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2011), OSA, IEEE, Geneva, Suisse, Sep, 2011

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2011
Izdavač OSA, IEEE
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-55752-931-2

FSR adjustment of silicone rib racetrack resonator

T. Keča, P. Matavulj, W. Headley, G. Mashanovich, FSR adjustment of silicone rib racetrack resonator, Photonica11 - II International School and Conference on Photonics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2011

Autori Tatjana Keča, Petar Matavulj, William Headley i Goran Mashanovich
Godina 2011
Izdavač Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7306-110-8
Strana od 129

Modelling of Silicon Racetrack Resonator

T. Keča, P. Matavulj, W. Headley, G. Mashanovich, Modelling of Silicon Racetrack Resonator, 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Nanophotonics - MediNANO3, Belgrade, Serbia, Oct, 2010

Autori Tatjana Keča, Petar Matavulj, William Headley i Goran Mashanovich
Godina 2010

The interplay of device structure and intrinsic polymer photophysics and its effects on the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photocurrent spectra

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, L. Pinto, S. Živanović, The interplay of device structure and intrinsic polymer photophysics and its effects on the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photocurrent spectra, 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Nanophotonics - MediNANO3, Belgrade, Serbia, Oct, 2010

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Leon Pinto i Sandra Živanović
Godina 2010

Experimental & Theoretical Investigation of Photosensitive ITO/ PEDOT:PSS/ MEH-PPV/ Al Detector

L. Pinto, J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, D. Chambers, S. Zivanovic Selmic, Experimental & Theoretical Investigation of Photosensitive ITO/ PEDOT:PSS/ MEH-PPV/ Al Detector, 2009 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting , Symposium NN Active Polymers, San Francisco, Apr, 2009

Autori Leon Pinto, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, David Chambers i Sandra Zivanovic Selmic
Godina 2009
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-60511-163-6

Photovoltaic Device Based on Poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) Polymer

L. Pinto, J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, D. Chambers, F. Khatkhatay, S. Zivanovic Selmic, Photovoltaic Device Based on Poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) Polymer, Solar 2009- ASES (American Solar Energy Society) National Solar Conference, Buffalo, May, 2009

Autori Leon Pinto, Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, David Chambers, Fauzia Khatkhatay i Sandra Zivanovic Selmic
Godina 2009

Radovi sa domaćih konferencija

Izdvajanje objekata iz scene u asimetričnom sistemu nadzora

D. Knežević, P. Matavulj, Z. Nikolić, Izdvajanje objekata iz scene u asimetričnom sistemu nadzora, Elektronski zbornik LXVII konferencije ETRAN 2023, rad SS-FO1.1, pp. 1 - 7, Istočno Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Jun, 2023

Autori Dragan Knežević, Petar Matavulj i Zoran Nikolić
Godina 2023
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-965-5
Strana od 1
Strana do 7

Quantum Key Distribution system characterization using InGaAs/InP SPAD photodetector simulation model

N. Miljković, P. Matavulj, Quantum Key Distribution system characterization using InGaAs/InP SPAD photodetector simulation model, 12th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Kopaonik, Serbia, Mar, 2019

Autori Nemanja Miljković i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2019
Izdavač Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-82441-49-6
Strana od 19

Uštede energije u optičkim WDM EPON mrežama koje koriste 1Gb/s i 10Gb/s primopredajnike

B. Pajčin, P. Matavulj, M. Radivojević, Uštede energije u optičkim WDM EPON mrežama koje koriste 1Gb/s i 10Gb/s primopredajnike, Elektronski zbornik radova konferencije INFOTEH-JAHORINA, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2016

Autori Bojan Pajčin, Petar Matavulj i Mirjana Radivojević
Godina 2016
ISSN/ISBN 978-99955-763-9-4

Tehnoekonomsko poređenje jednokanalnih i višekanalnih EPON mreža

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Tehnoekonomsko poređenje jednokanalnih i višekanalnih EPON mreža, Zbornik XXXI simpozijuma o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju PosTel 2013, pp. 297 - 306, Saobraćajni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Dec, 2013

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2013
Izdavač Saobraćajni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7395-314-4
Strana od 297
Strana do 306

Tehno-ekonomska analiza GPON i FTTC/VDSL mreža za pristup

P. Matavulj, M. Blanuša, Tehno-ekonomska analiza GPON i FTTC/VDSL mreža za pristup, 19. Telekomunikacioni forum (TELFOR 2011), pp. 844 - 847, IEEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2011

Autori Petar Matavulj i Milan Blanuša
Godina 2011
Izdavač IEEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER
ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4577-1498-6
DOI 10.1109/TELFOR.2011.6143676
Strana od 844
Strana do 847

Analiza koegzistencije NG-PON1 (10G-PON) mreža sa postojećim GPON mrežama

M. Mraković, P. Matavulj, Analiza koegzistencije NG-PON1 (10G-PON) mreža sa postojećim GPON mrežama, 18. Telekomunikacioni Forum (TELFOR 2010), pp. 754 - 757, EEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2010

Autori Marija Mraković i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2010
Izdavač EEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 754
Strana do 757

Dinamička alokacija talasnih dužina i propusnog opsega u WDM EPON mreži

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Dinamička alokacija talasnih dužina i propusnog opsega u WDM EPON mreži, 18. Telekomunikacioni Forum (TELFOR 2010), pp. 746 - 749, EEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2010

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2010
Izdavač EEE Serbia&Montenegro COM CHAPTER
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7466-392-9
Strana od 746
Strana do 749

Tehnoekonomsko poređenje mogućih rešenja za prelazak sa GPON na NG-PON mreže

P. Matavulj, M. Mraković, Tehnoekonomsko poređenje mogućih rešenja za prelazak sa GPON na NG-PON mreže, 28. Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobraćaju - PosTel 2010, pp. 229 - 238, Saobraćajni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija, Nov, 2010

Autori Petar Matavulj i Marija Mraković
Godina 2010
Izdavač Saobraćajni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Strana od 229
Strana do 238

Charge generation and recombination in ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photodiode studied by photocurrent dependence on light intensity

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, L. Pinto, S. Šelmić, Charge generation and recombination in ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV/Al photodiode studied by photocurrent dependence on light intensity, 53. Konferencija ETRAN-a, sekcija MO, Vrnjačka Banja, Jun, 2009

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj, Leon Pinto i Sandra Šelmić
Godina 2009

Modeling of the photocurrent spectra of the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEHPPV/Al photodetectors

J. Petrović, P. Matavulj, S. Šelmić, Modeling of the photocurrent spectra of the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEHPPV/Al photodetectors, 51. Konferencija ETRAN-a, sekcija MO, Herceg Novi-Igalo, Jun, 2007

Autori Jovana Gojanović, Petar Matavulj i Sandra Šelmić
Godina 2007

Ostali radovi

Prilog analizi odziva brzih poluprovodničkih lasera sa kvantnom jamom: Efekat struje curenja

P. Matavulj, Prilog analizi odziva brzih poluprovodničkih lasera sa kvantnom jamom: Efekat struje curenja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Beograd, Srbija, Apr, 2002

Autori Petar Matavulj
Godina 2002
Izdavač Univerzitet u Beogradu, Elektrotehnički fakultet

Analiza nelinearnog i nestacionarnog odziva P-i-N fotodiode realizovane od dvodolinskog poluprovodnika

P. Matavulj, Analiza nelinearnog i nestacionarnog odziva P-i-N fotodiode realizovane od dvodolinskog poluprovodnika, Magistarska teza, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Beograd, Srbija, May, 1997

Autori Petar Matavulj
Godina 1997
Izdavač Univerzitet u Beogradu, Elektrotehnički fakultet

Knjige i monografije

Zbirka zadataka iz Optoelektronike - Prostiranje svetlosti

J. Gojanović, P. Matavulj, Zbirka zadataka iz Optoelektronike - Prostiranje svetlosti, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2020

Autori Jovana Gojanović i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2020
Izdavač Akademska misao, Beograd
ISBN 978-86-7466-848-1
Broj strana 324
Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
Broj strana 324

The Emerging WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, The Emerging WDM EPON, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2017
Izdavač Springer, Cham, Switzerland
ISBN 978-3-319-54224-9
Broj strana 235
Tip knjige monografija
Broj strana 235

Advances in Communications and Media Research. Volume 9: Successful Migration of EPON to WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, Advances in Communications and Media Research. Volume 9: Successful Migration of EPON to WDM EPON, NOVA Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2013

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2013
Izdavač NOVA Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA
ISBN 978-1-62808-237-1
Broj strana 52
Tip knjige monografija
Broj strana 52

The Emerging WDM EPON

M. Radivojević, P. Matavulj, The Emerging WDM EPON, Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2012

Autori Mirjana Radivojević i Petar Matavulj
Godina 2012
Izdavač Academic Mind, Belgrade
ISBN 978-86-7466-449-0
Broj strana 226
Tip knjige monografija
Broj strana 226

Zbirka zadataka iz optičkih telekomunikacija

M. Bjelica, P. Matavulj, D. Gvozdić, Zbirka zadataka iz optičkih telekomunikacija, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2005

Autori Milan Bjelica, Petar Matavulj i Dejan Gvozdić
Godina 2005
Izdavač Akademska misao, Beograd
ISBN 86-7466-206-4
Broj strana 181
Tip knjige pomoćni udžbenik
Broj strana 181



Fotonske komponente i sistemi - NASTAVAK

Fotonske komponente i sistemi - NASTAVAK

Tip projekta Nauka- Projekti NIO
Rukovodilac prof. dr Dejan Gvozdić
Početak realizacije 24.02.2020.

Fotonske komponente i sistemi

Tip projekta Nauka – osnovno istraživanje
Rukovodilac prof. dr Dejan Gvozdić
Početak realizacije 04.03.2011.

Nova OTN/ROADM opticka platforma za 5 G mreze

Nova OTN/ROADM opticka platforma za 5 G mreze, projekat ID 50386

Tip projekta Inovacioni fond - Saradnja nauke i privrede
Rukovodilac prof. dr Petar Matavulj
Početak realizacije 14.06.2022.

Ispitivanje kvaliteta xDSL modula

Ispitivanje kvaliteta xDSL modula

Tip projekta Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti
Rukovodilac prof. dr Petar Matavulj
Finansijer ELPOS D.O.O.
Početak realizacije 05.02.2014.